Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Organizational Structure Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Organizational Structure Paper - Essay Example BPs marketing system has been to present itself as a green company producing new cleaner fuels for reducing CO2 emissions. On the other hand, this scheme might lead to loss of business to its competitors as people question its green image. Profit earned from selling product and services is shared among shareholders, used to fund future expansion and retains part of it to aid in search of new oil and gas reserves and invest on new technology or replace old machinery. Internal leadership and management are segmented into divisions that review contractors, thus enhancing flow of communication within the organization. Finally, BP focuses on diversification and branching out in its operations (Brown, 2012). Oil located in deep sea helps BP develop better processes for deep-sea drilling from cementing, testing for leakages, to well control and risk management. Functionally, BP should educate and train its personnel to enhance capability and competence. Departmentally, BP ought to adopt a centralized organizational structure as this will improve cost efficiency and inject consistency into operations. Finally, BP should focus on diversifying its marketing channels for the companys advantage (Bateman & Snell,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Belonging Related Texts Essay Example for Free
Belonging Related Texts Essay What do you think the most powerful influences that impact on an individual’s sense of belonging? * Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann * The Red Tree by Shaun Tan * Who you are by Jessie J You will almost always find where you belong if you search for it. So ultimately a sense of belonging comes down to perception. This starts from places and/ or relationships, which potentially alter your understanding or you and the world around you, so you can accept the person you are and your individual identity by creating this sense of belonging. In strictly ballroom by Baz Lurhmann, The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and who you are by Jessie J the composers use a wide range of techniques to convey the ideas belonging through forcible authority, challenging authority and alienation. These are illustrated through the concept of belonging to a person or place. These three ideas demonstrate what the most powerful influences are that can cause someone to feel a part of something or not. Forcible authority is illustrated in the film ‘Strictly Ballroom’ by Baz Lurhmann. Forcible authority is when a person or group has the power to make you feel a certain way that you may not agree on and make you feel as though you do or don’t belong. This is conveyed in the film when Barry Fife the president of Australian Dance Federation (ADF) forces Scott Hastings to dance a particular way. The forcible authority is demonstrated in Strictly Ballroom with close ups and bright lighting on Barry’s face. This creates attention and power to the audience’s concept on Barry. Scott then feels isolated from the ADF as a result of Barry’s ideas for the ADF. Forcible Authority is also shown in ‘The Red Tree’ by Shaun Tan. This is conveyed through visual techniques of the little girl standing alone in many pages of the book. The concept of a powerful influence is a little red leaf with â€Å"without sense or reason†this demonstrates herself as a symbol of the ‘little red leaf’ with many factors contributing to that idea. E. g. ‘The little girl with the red hair’ The little girl becomes frustrated by society and not being able to find her place or where she feels she belongs without sense or reason. Here the most powerful influences that influence the little girl is her on mind set on other people and how she see’s everyone trying to conform and belong to a place she hasn’t been nor understands. Forcible authority is again conveyed in the song ‘who you are’ by Jessie J through the singers lyrics. Jessie illustrates a strong opinion on society’s sense of belonging when she states â€Å"forget how to fit the mold, yeah! †this informs the audience that society’s conception of belonging is based on a mould and she feels out casted because she doesn’t know how to find her place in society anymore. Jessie feels as though society has clung to a certain way of thinking and living, this is because of the forcible authority, which is the society as a powerful influence on Jessie’s sense of belonging. Challenging Authority is another idea shown in ‘strictly Ballroom’ this can be when you choose to do something about following other rules from a higher authority. This is illustrated when Scott is introduced to Fran’s grandmother Ya Ya. She explains that dancing comes from the heart. The close ups of Ya Ya’s hands beating the traditional rhythm of the Paso Doble on Scott’s chest gives both Scott and Fran the inspiration to dance their own moves which demonstrates to the Audience how they are challenging authority and now have somewhere to belong to. Challenging authority is illustrated in ‘The Red Tree’ when the little girl struggles to find herself in society; this becomes an issue throughout the whole book, always feeling as though she didn’t belong. The very last page is her standing in her room with a large Red Tree filled with lots of red leaves and you can see that she has accepted herself in the society. She has done this because she has a glowing smile on her face. Jessie demonstrates challenging authority in â€Å"Who you are†by giving advice to other people to be yourself instead of living a lie and following society’s rules. This is illustrated when Jessie sings â€Å"Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars! †Alienation is the estrangement of somebody who is forced or unforced to distance people from each other or of people from what is important or meaningful to them. Strictly Ballroom demonstrates many moments of alienation, one particularly is Scott feeling as though he doesn’t belong in the ADF because he doesn’t confine with the ballroom dancing rules. This is illustrated when himself and Fran dance their own steps and cause a stir in the ADF judging, this is a powerful impact on belonging because if you don’t follow the rules you are forced to feel neglected. Alienation is also illustrated in The Red Tree through pictures and descriptive language. The visual technique as quoted, â€Å"nobody understands†, It is raining and the brushstrokes are soft but distinctive nd the colours are dull and dark creating the audiences idea of how the girl is feeling. The girl is a seclusion to society showing her being an ‘outsider’, the visual techniques are a powerful influence to belonging and clearly demonstrate how the girl feels alienated by society. Jessie J also shows alienation in ‘Who you are’ b y the visual technique in the film clip, Jessie sings â€Å"Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart. †In this particular part she is sitting in an empty bathroom with dim lighting, this demonstrates her feelings of loneliness and confusion. Jessie feels confused because she doesn’t know what the right thing to do is and this causes her alienation to the environment she is in, this particular songs provides proof with her excluding herself from society until she makes up her mind. Jessie being the most powerful influence as she is the only one making the decision to alienate herself. Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann , The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and Who you are by Jessie J all convey powerful influences such as authority to demonstrate people belonging and not belonging . This is conveyed through the techniques of forcible authority, challenging authority and alienation.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Paul Cezanne Essay -- essays research papers
PAUL CÉZANNE           Post Impressionism, as the name would suggest, is the art movement that directly followed Impressionism. One artist, who led the Post Impressionism movement, was French artist, Paul Cà ©zanne. Much of his early work was pure Impressionism and, although he was introduced to the style and guided by Camille Pissarro, Cà ©zanne's works showed a distinctive uniqueness. Cà ©zanne broke away from Impressionism because of the lack of composition; he felt the desire to depict subjects in the third dimension as well as appearing flat. Cà ©zanne did not agree with the Impressionistic trait of portraying the world through light, instead, he built up images by a generous use of colour. Cà ©zanne would distort objects and his works would often consist of numerous viewpoints on the one canvas. Cà ©zanne worked with and was greatly influenced by other Impressionists he associated with, including Degas, Monet, Pissarro and Renoir. It was Pissarro who guided Cà ©zanne and convinced him to break up the colour and use shorter brush strokes when painting; among Cà ©zanne's friends, Pissorro was the only one patient enough to teach him. Cà ©zanne also admired Romantic painter, Eugà ¨ne Delacroix, who used colour instead of lines to define objects; this inspired him to endeavour his quest for composition using colour alone. Many aspects of Cà ©zanne's early works can be traced back to the compositions of Delacroix's works.    &n...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Innocence of Daisy Miller Essay -- Henry James, Daisy Miller
In 1878, Henry James wrote, Daisy Miller, a novella about a young American girl and her travels in Europe. Daisy Miller is a complex short story with many underlying themes such as appearance versus reality, knowledge versus innocence, outward action versus inward meditation, and Nature versus urbanity. In this short story, one is left to judge whether Daisy Miller, the main character of the story, is â€Å"a pretty American flirt†or a misunderstood, modern young woman. By probing into the complexities and contradictions of Daisy’s character, it is obvious that Ms. Miller is merely a misunderstood young woman. Through his novel, Henry James shows his readers that the gap between what people believe to be true and the actual truth can be large, hence the theme of appearance versus reality. To the Europeanized Americans in the novella, Daisy’s independence causes her to appear immoral. She is innocent and uncultured and incautious but the circle sees only the surface of her character and the actions that character takes. She rebels not by having a great knowledge of the rules which bind the society and consciously deciding to throw them out the window, but by being limited in her scope of experience and by refusing to change her natural ways in order to please a culture to which she does not belong. The great theme of the disparity between reality and appearance is at its greatest strength in the relationship between Winterbourne and Daisy because of the conflict which roars inside of Winterbourne regarding the appearance he cannot overcome and the reality he cannot accept. Daisy's lack of knowledge and experience deceives Winterbourne who is incapable of seeing life through the lens of inexperience after leaving America. He thus fails to understand her inexperience as innocence. Winterbourne attempts to apply the conventional rules he has accepted since leaving America to Daisy without realizing that she is not dissecting the world with the same meditating process that he undertakes. In Europe, Daisy behaves just as she had back in America. She even goes as far as to say â€Å"I’m a fearful, frightful flirt! Did you ever hear of a nice girl that was not?†(44). It is through this quote that one can see that Daisy does not realize in Europe, nice girls are most definitely not â€Å"flirts†. It is such behavior that scandalized the conservative Americans that she... ...y. At one point, Winterbourne tells Daisy that it did not matter whether he thought she was engaged or not. This so upsets Daisy that she cries, "I don't care...whether I have Roman fever or not!" (56). Winterbourne's ultimate rejection of Daisy, his decision to side with the American circle in Daisy's condemnation, hits Daisy so cruelly that she no longer cares to live. He refuses to believe in Daisy's innocence and she quickly fades away. Her resiliency and natural spontaneity have died. Winterbourne does not realize his mistake until Mrs. Miller relays Daisy's message to him and Giovanelli speaks to him at the funeral. Giovanelli looks to Winterbourne and states, â€Å"She was the most beautiful young lady I ever saw, and the most amiable...and she was the most innocent†(58). It was through this conversation that Daisy's innocence triumphs. The lasting message of this novella is Daisy's innocence and the cruelty of the society, which condemned her to death. Works Cited James, Henry. Daisy Miller: A Study. The Heath Anthology of American Literature. 3rd ed. Vol. 2 Eds. Paul Lauter and Richard Yarborough.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998.  452-92. 2 vols.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Causes and Effects of Poverty
Causes and Effects of Poverty In the U. S. , there have been statistics that show that 15 to 25% of the population is living in poverty. Poverty is known as not being able to provide bare minimum requirements to survive, such as food and shelter. There are many causes that associate with poverty, that could include unemployment rates or people believe that some people are just lazy. The effects of poverty can be substantial. It effects people’s health, environment, and causes deprivations. The unemployment rate is still high today, which means there are people who still live in poverty.Some people are not just lazy; it just seems that it is difficult to find employment right now. Many people that are in poverty are because they did not continue their education after high school and many jobs are requiring degrees. Another reason some people are in poverty, is because they made mistakes in their past and when they try to make their life right they have difficulty finding employ ment. There are many reasons for poverty, but most of the causes are the unemployment rate. An effect of poverty is malnutrition.Malnutrition during infancy and childhood years can cause many great complications with development. Many children that suffer from malnutrition could have poor immune systems, developmental problems with their nervous system, or even brain damage. Compared to children that are not poor, children in poverty are two to three times more likely to have some sort of mental or physical disability from malnutrition. Children who grow up in poverty are also usually unlikely to finish their education. Many children in poverty are about 75 percent less likely to graduate high school than a child that is not poor.Even if a child that grows up in poverty does graduate high school, they are less likely to continue their education with college. As a matter of fact, less than four percent of children in the lowest quartile of family’s income do not graduate colle ge. In today’s world education is important. Many jobs today will not hire people without an education or even without a college degree. All in all, poverty is a big issue. It has been for a long time, just maybe one day the government will help fix the issue. It is not fair for all the children that live in poverty to suffer because their parents work so hard just to make ends meet.Education is the key to success these days, and we should all make sure our children are aware of that at a young age. Works Cited Chitranshi, Mansi. â€Å"Cause and Effects of Poverty. †Articles Wave (2009). Hill, Lewis E. â€Å"The Institutional Economics of Poverty: An Inquiry into the Causes and Effects of Poverty. †Journal of Economic Issues (1998): 279-285. Hunt, Matthew O. The Individual, Society, or Both? A Comparison of Black, Latino, and White Beliefs about the Causes of Poverty. September 1996. Lamson, John. â€Å"Exploring the Ecology of Poverty. †Human Ecology (2009): 4-9.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Destin Brass Products Co. Essay Example
Destin Brass Products Co. Essay Example Destin Brass Products Co. Essay Destin Brass Products Co. Essay Case Study: Destin Brass Products Co. Hsien-Da Lin 003253093 1. By using activity-based costing method, we can reallocate the overhead costs into three product lines based on four activities, which are numbers of used set up labor hours, percentage of transaction and machine usage, and numbers of machine hours used. Next, we add up the direct material, direct labor and overhead costs of each product line. After that, we divided the results by total production units. We get valve unit cost=$37. 70, pump unit cost=$48. 9, flow controller unit cost=$100. 91. ( see table 1) 2. Standard unit costs and revised unit costs both show that the highest product cost is pump product line. However, our transaction-based analysis shows it should be the flow controllers. We can tell that the unit costs have been badly distorted as a result of using single allocation basis (production-run labor cost). Through activity-based costing, we can be able to more accurately assign overhead costs to each prod uct, which means the result can effectively reflect the actual costs on each product line. 3. The strategies that I would recommend to the company are: a. Cutting the price of pumps to better compete with other suppliers in the market. Comparing the product cost between the new activity-based system and traditional system, we can easily find out that the company has been overestimated the pump cost. Thus, they thought the profit margin should be merely 22%. By reallocating the overhead costs more accurately, we found the profit margin should be doubled to 40%. (Table 2) The number shows that the profit margin of pump is much higher than their estimation. Besides, the competitors in market have been cutting prices to attract more customers and opportunities. We suggest the company should start cutting the pump price to better compete with those pump suppliers in the market. b. Increase the price of flow controllers or give up the product line: First of all, after calculating the actual cost of flow controller by activity-based cost method (see table 2), we realized that Destin Co. has been â€Å"underestimated†the controller cost by $44. 41. The company’s current system made them believe the product has 42% gross margin when the actual margin is -4%. The company has been losing money in this product line without knowing the fact. They claimed that they once raised the price by 12. 5% with no apparent effect on demand. This reveals two possibilities: 1. There is still room for the company to raise their price to earn more profit. By setting the new price $155. 25, they can reach 35% profit margin. 2. The price was too low for other competitors to enter the market because Dustin, Co. has been miscalculated the cost. Under this circumstance, if they should also consider getting out of the market to stop losing money. Conclusion: By adapting the new pricing strategies, the company can earn $696,338. 85 gross profit comparing to the $541,092. 00 when using the traditional price setting. (See table 3). However, if the flow controller market demand decreases significantly after raising the prices, they can quit the market immediately to avoid losing money on this product line. 4. The net income will not change, because the activity-transaction-based system only provides different individual cost. The total cost of good sold and sales will be the same under the two methods. Table 1 Table 2 Table 3
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Peoples Bank of China Essay Example
The Peoples Bank of China Essay Example The Peoples Bank of China Essay The Peoples Bank of China Essay The People’s Bank of China is the is the central bank of People’s Republic of China with the power to control monetary policy and regulate the financial institutions in mainland China. The People’s Bank of China has more financial assets than any other single public finance institution in world history. History: The bank was established on December 1, 1948 based on consolidation of Huabei Bank, the Beihai Bank and the Xibei Farmer Bank. The headquarter was first located in Shijiazhuang, Hebei and then moved to Beijing in 1949. Between 1949 and 1978 the PBC was the only bank in People’s Republic of China and was responsible for both central banking and commercial banking operations. In the 1980, as part of economic reform, the commercial banking functions of the PBC were split off into four independent but state owned banks and in 1983, the State Council promulgated that the PBC would function as the central bank of China. Its central bank status was legally confirmed on March 18, 1995 by the 3rd Plenum of the 8th National People’s Congress. In 1998, the PBC underwent a major restructuring. All provincial and local branches were abolished, and the PBC opened nine regional branches, whose boundaries did not correspond to local administrative boundaries. In 2003, the standing committee of the 10th National People’s Congress approved an amendment law for strengthening the role of PBC in the making and implementation of monetary policy for safeguarding the overall financial stability and provision of financial services. Management: The top management of PBC is composed of the governor and a certain number of deputy governors. The governor of the PBC is appointed into or removed from office of the President of People’s Republic of China. The candidate for the governor of PBC is nominated by the Premier of the State Council and approved by the People’s National Congress. The deputy governors of the PBC are appointed into or removed from office by the Premier of the State Council. The PBC adopts a governor responsibility system under which the governor supervises the overall work of the PBC while the deputy governors provide assistance to the governor to fulfill his or her responsibility. The current governor is Zhou Xiaochuan. Other high ranking deputies include Wang Hongzhang, Hu Xiaolian, Liu Shiyu, Ma Delun, Yi Gang, Du Jinfu, Li Dongrong, Guo Qingping. Structure: The PBC has established 9 regional branches respectively in Tianjin, Shenyang, Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Xi’an, 2 operations offices in Beijing and Chongqing, 303 municipal sub branches and 1809 county level sub branches. It has 6 overseas representative offices PBC Representative Office for America, PBC Representative Office (London) for Europe, PBC Tokyo Representative Office, PBC Frankfurt Representative Office, PBC Representative Office for Africa, Liaison Office of the PBC in the Caribbean Development Bank. The PBC consists of 18 functional departments (bureaus), * General Administration Department * Legal Affairs Department * Monetary Policy Department * Financial Market Department * Financial Stability Bureau * Financial Survey and Statistics Department Accounting and Treasury Department * Payment System Department * Technology Department * Currency, Gold and Silver Bureau * State Treasury Bureau * International Department * Internal Auditing Department * Personnel Department * Research Bureau * Credit Information System Bureau * Anti-Money Laundering Bureau (Security Bureau) * Education Department of the COC PBC Committee The following enterprises and institutions are directly under the PBC; * China Anti-money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center * PBC Graduate School * China Financial Publishing House Financial News * China National Clearing Center * China Banknote Printing and Minting Corporation * China Gold Coin Incorporation * China Financial Computerization Corporation * China Foreign Exchange Trade System Microfinance: * Rural Credit Cooperatives List of Governors: * Nan Hanchen: October 1949- October 1954 * Cao Juru: Oct. 1954- Oct. 1964 * Hu Lijiao: Oct. 1964- Oct. 1966 * Chen Xiyu: May 1973- Jan. 1978 * Li Baohua: Jan. 1978- April 1982 * Lu Peijian: April 1982- March 1985 * Chen Muhua: March 1985- April 1988 * Li Guixian: April 1988- July 1993 Zhu Rongji: July 1993- June 1995 * Dai Xianglong: June 1995- Dec. 2002 * Zhou Xiaochuan: Dec. 2002- Present. Interest Rates: Interest rates set by the bank are always divisible by nine, instead of by 25 as in the rest of the world. At 22 Dec. 2008 it was set to 5. 31%. (1. 2) Evolution of Banks in China The history o f Chinese banking system has been somewhat checkered. Nationalization of the country’s banks got the highest priority in the earliest year of People’s Republic of China, and the banking was the first sector to be completely socialized. In the period of Chinese war (1949-52), the People’s Bank of China moved very effectively to raging inflation and brings the nation’s finances under central control. Over the course of time, the banking organization was modified repeatedly to suit changing conditions and new policies. The people’s Bank of China was the central bank and the foundation of the banking system. Although the bank overlapped in function with the Ministry of Finance and lost many of its responsibilities during Cultural Revolution, in the 1970 it was restored to its leading position. As the central bank the People’s Bank of China had sole responsibility for issuing and controlling the money supply. It also served as the government treasury, the main source of credit economic units, the clearing center of financial transactions, the holder of enterprise deposits, the national saving banks, and a ubiquitous monitor of economic activities. The People’s Construction Bank managed by state and provides loans for capital construction. It checked the activities of loans receipts to insure that the funds were used for their designated construction purpose. Money was spending in stages as a project progressed. The reform policy shifted the main source of investment funding from the government budget to bank loans and increased the responsibility and increased the responsibility and activities of the People’s Construction Bank. Another financial institution, the Bank of China, handle all dealings in foreign exchange. It was responsible for allocating the country’s foreign exchange reserves, arranging foreign loans, setting exchange rates for China’s currency, issuance of letters of credit, and generally carrying out all financial transactions with foreign firms and individuals. The Bank of China had offices in Beijing and other cities and maintained overseas offices in major international financial centers, including Hong Kong, London, New York, Singapore and Luxembourg. Banking system was centralized early or under the Ministry of Finance, which exercised firm control over all financial services, credit, and the money supply. During 1980 the banking system was expended to meet the needs of the program, and the scale of banking activity rose sharply. New budgetary producers required state enterprises to resubmit to the state only a tax on income and to seek investment funds in the form of bank loans. Between 1979 and 1985, the deposits nearly tripled and the value of bank loans rose by 260 percent. By 1987 the banking system included the People’s Bank of China, Agricultural Bank, Bank of China (which handled foreign exchange things), China Investment Bank, China Industrial and Commercial Bank, People’s Construction Bank, Communications Bank, People’s Insurance Company of China, Rural Credit Cooperatives and Urban Credit Cooperatives. The Agricultural Bank was created in the 1950 to facilitate financial operations in the rural areas. The Agricultural Bank provide financial support to the agricultural units. It issued loans, directed the operations in the rural credit cooperatives, and carried out overall supervision of rural financial affairs. The Agricultural Bank was headquartered in Beijing and had a network of branches throughout the country. It starts increasing in the late 1950 and mid 1960 but ended in the late 1970. When the functions of the Agricultural Bank were increased it helps promote higher agricultural production. In the 1980 it was restructured again and given greater authority in order to support the growth of agriculture under the responsible system. Rural Credit Cooperatives were small, but collectively owned savings and lending organizations that were the main source of small scale financial services at the local level in the countryside. They handled deposits and short terms loans for individual farm families, villages and cooperative organizations. Subject to the direction of the Agricultural Bank, they followed uniform state banking policies and acted as independent units for accounting purposes. In 1985 rural credit cooperatives held total deposit ? 72. 5 Billion. (1. 3) Different Categories of Banks Bank of China Agricultural Bank of China (one of the main banks in mainland China) CITIC Industrial Bank (China International Trust and Investment Bank) China Construction Bank (one of the main banks in mainland China) China Merchants Bank (one of the main banks in mainland China) Industrial and Commercial Banks in China (one of the largest state owned in China) Kincheng Banking Corporation (keep progress with time, expended and grown to become one of the top 500 banks in the world. ) Banks Owned by the Central Government NameHeadquarter Agricultural Bank of ChinaBeijing Bank of ChinaBeijing Bank of CommunicationsShanghai Industrial and Commercial Bank of ChinaBeijing People’s Bank of ChinaBeijing Xiamen International BankXiamen Postal Saving Bank of ChinaBeijing China CITIC BankBeijing China Construction BankBeijing China Development BankBeijing Exim Bank of ChinaBeijing Hua Xia BankBeijing Banks Owned By Local Governments Bank of JinzhouJinzhou Bank of JilinChangchun Harbin BankHarbin Industrial BankFuzhou Guangdong Development BankGuangzhou Bank of NingboNingbo Shenzhen City Commercial BankShenzhen Shenzhen Development BankShenzhen
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Mount Everest disaster of 1996 as it happened
The Mount Everest disaster of 1996 as it happened Thesis of the Book The thesis of this book is a personal account of Mount Everest disaster in which the author had taken part, but it had turned out to be tragic in which he had lost some of his climbing partners as the disaster unfolded. Although the book has many themes that unfold as the story continues, the theme of mutual trust and care remains dominant across this entire tragic book.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Mount Everest disaster of 1996 as it happened specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thesis of the Essay The essay aims at summarizing the book in which the writer makes a personal opinion of the accounts as they are narrated in the book and criticizes the book to bring out the faults that can be identified in the authors story of how the Mount Everest disaster occurred. Summary of the book Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster is a book which was published in the year 1997. T he book sets off to narrate one of the deadliest disasters that had taken place in Mount Everest from an individual point of view in which the reader is given a description of what actually happened from a survivor of the ordeal. Krakauer who is the author of this book tells vividly of the accounts that occurred at the world’s highest mountain with such emotional clarity. This depicts why the book became a best selling nonfiction book on its release. The author of this book narrates how he participated in Mount Everest expedition, despite having surrendered his career in mountain climbing way years back. The event took place in the month of May in the year 2006. The author, a professional journalist wrote and featured articles for the outside magazine. He had previous participated in many other mountain climbing expeditions from which he had gathered materials for his articles in the magazine. He later on gave up his career prior to this particular event that involved climbin g Mount Everest (Krakauer 20). Krakauer justified his change of heart to participate in Mount Everest expedition as being purely professional. In the initial plan as it had been reported in the magazine, Krakauer was to climb up to the Mount Everest base in which he was to make a report on the commercialization of the mountain. However, in his childhood and wildest dreams, it evident that Krakauer had always aspired of climbing Mount Everest and this was the best opportunity which was right on the table. He requested his editor to hold off the story until later in the year so that he could get ample time to train hard for the monstrous task of climbing to the summit of the highest mountain in the world.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is from this point that the book exhaustively and chronologically narrates the events that happened on the mountain as they ascen ded to the top of the world’s highest mountain. The author tells of the tragedies that unfolded in pursuit of getting to the world’s ceiling by the determined mountaineers. Personal opinion derived from the book It is evident that the tragedy that took place in Mount Everest was an example of an artificial disaster that was manageable if only the set guidelines that have been stipulated to guide such expeditions had been followed to the latter. The author has in a nutshell pointed out that some of the safety guidelines that had been formulated by the most experienced mountaineers in the world had been violated. It is evident that the violation was done because of the competition that was prevailing between the existing companies that provided the mountaineers with guides who led the mountaineers throughout the ascent on the mountain. This competition has resulted in some of the companies compromising the well-being of the mountaineers, some of whom do not have enough t raining and experience to take part in events such as ascending to the summit of Mount Everest (Krakauer 122). Issues that have arisen from this book It is evident that this book was a success in its release as it sold over a million copies. However, despite the success a lot of criticism has been made by renowned mountaineers and people who had also participated in the expedition in which they had escaped the ordeal. The critics have disputed the material facts that Krakauer has relayed in the book with regard to one of the guides of Russian origin who had been mandated with guiding the team throughout the ascent of Mount Everest. It is evident that in the book, the guide had descended the mountain ahead of his clients in which his motive was to find help and lead a rescue mission in which he would have saved more adventurers when the adventure turned sour. Krakauer in his book seems to question the rationale that this guide had applied in which he had decided to leave his clients alone on the mountain, despite fully knowing that they lacked the experience to handle the situations that were prevailing at that time. He questions the guide’s judgment in not having used supplement oxygen that was an essential component in the paraphernalia that were required by the adventurers. He rebukes the interaction techniques that were applied by the guide in his interaction with the clients. He finally questions the mountaineering gears that were used by the adventurers in their quest to ascend the mountain to its summit.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Mount Everest disaster of 1996 as it happened specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand a number of professional renowned mountaineers like Galen Rowell have criticized Krakauer’s account in his narration by faulting it as irrational and clouded by individual judgment that is prejudicial in retelling exactly what happened in the fateful adventure. He points out the inconsistencies that are in Krakauer’s account in which he observes that Krakauer was sleeping in his tent and he had no idea what the guide was doing. It is evident that as Krakauer was sleeping, the guide was busy rescuing some of the climbers who were in dire need of medical attention. Galen reckons that the actions of the guide were heroic and he had used his wisdom to forebode the shortcoming that arose from the expedition. Work Cited Krakauer , Jones. Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster. New York: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2009. Print.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Business environment - Essay Example e up with a new image, ‘Beyond Petroleum.’ This and some other campaigns are intended to reduce the bad image the company has developed, that is not very environmentally friendly. The market for petroleum is based on its demand and supply conditions. These conditions are there for every market. The demand and supply help determine the price and the quantity of oil that should be supplied to the world. The major contributor to oil supply in the world is Saudi Arabia. The market in the UK is said to be self sufficient till 2016. The industry produces around two million barrels of hydrocarbons per day. Even though the country is self sufficient, the oil reserves are declining. According to the article ‘Oil, gas and petroleum: Overview,’ (2006) the oil reserves are mainly in the North Sea and off the coasts of Aberdeen, Suffolk, Norfolk, Liverpool and Morecambe Bay. UK is known for its ability to extract oil in larger quantity from the deep sea by using advanced engineering techniques. UK exports oil in its raw form. The country is now focusing of making full use of the existing oil fields instead of looking for new smaller fields. The Oil, gas and petroleum: Overview article (2006) provides us with the following figures, the petroleum industry by itself exists of 200 companies who perform different processes including, refining, distribution and marketing. The basic structure of the market is based on two divisions, retail and commercial. The retail side of the structure includes petrol sold from filling stations while the commercial side includes the government and its agencies, industrial and agricultural transporters, power generators etc. The petroleum industry gives way to thousands of jobs to contractual workers and on a full time basis employs, 150,000 people. According to the Staff Report to the Federal Trade Commission, the industry is controlled by seven companies, five of them are American and the other two are British-Dutch. The American
Friday, October 18, 2019
Technological and cultural determinism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Technological and cultural determinism - Essay Example 2. Apply these theories to recent discourse about new forms of television, whether high definition TV, 3-D TV, online TV, etc. The discourse may come from a website, an advertisement, a TV program, a newspaper/magazine article, a blog, etc. Just like other deterministic theories, technological determinism, and cultural determinisms seeks out to explain the historical and social phenomena in terms of one determining factor. It is considered to be a doctrine of casual or historical primacy. In other words, technological determinism is used to describe ways in which technology has influenced the evolution of human. Technology such as television online TV, advertisement among other technologies have played a significant role in creating new spaces for human to inhibit on a physical or a mental basis (Winston 789). Therefore, humans have adapted to these new spaces in that the patterns of their discernment are progressively altered without any resistance. Since technological determinism is merely putting the idea that technology is critical to people’s lives, there are various aspects of discourse that may invoke technological determinism. Social construction is a very critical aspect in invoking technological determinism. Social construction is considered to be a technological determinism since it is capable of explaining a great part of various technologies including Television, Computers, and Photography among others. 4. Identify either a law of supervening social necessity OR a law of suppression of radical potential (these are likely, not fore-grounded in the example; they require an analysis of the broader cultural determinisms for the emergence of this technology). The law of suppression of radical potential is among the first ideas that are discussed in Winston book. This law relates to misunderstanding of media. The laws state that, when a
Discussion question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion question - Coursework Example TNT does not absorb or dissolve in water making it suitable for use in humid environments. It is also more stable than other high explosives. The first property is that polymeric materials are stiff because they are constituted of very high mechanical features to their density. They are also exceptional thermal insulators. Polymeric compounds or materials are inflammable. This is because they are organic materials and further, cellular materials constructed of flammable matrix such as polymeric foams, are more susceptible to fire than their equivalent concrete materials as a result of the insulating effect of their cellular structure, which amplifies the temperature at the heating exterior. Consequently, this leads to pyrolysis of materials worsening fire behavior than would have been with solid materials. The gas used in the cells may also stimulate combustion when it is combustible. Lastly, halogenated organic compounds may build up in the environment and establish in food chains thus, causing health problems and adverse ecological impacts. When polymeric materials are retarded by fire, the EH & s or a FS professional a nd the entire living population become more exposed health hazards connected with these
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Relevancy of Effective Personal Health Care Communication Term Paper
Relevancy of Effective Personal Health Care Communication - Term Paper Example It has been noticed that the cases of patient complaints are likely to be lowered when effective communication activities are maintained between the service providers and the patients. It facilitates them to identify the problems faced by the patients and assists them in solving problems in a better way. Therefore, it can be stated that effective communication enhances the overall quality of care as well as the services provided by the several caregivers to the patients, and improves the satisfaction level of patients (BA & OO, 2012). Healthcare communications have a significant influence on the health outcome of individuals. It facilitates the individuals to get aware of the health hazards that they might face, and also educates them about the preventive measures which should be taken in order to minimize as well as eliminate the chances of health problems to occur. Healthcare communications provide various means for the individuals to be healthy by providing adequate knowledge to the individuals about the nutritional necessity of human body and facilitate them to lead a healthy life. This type of communication activities can also educate the individuals about the adverse effects of consuming alcohol and other such drugs. It aids individuals in minimizing the consumption of alcohol and other similar drugs. Furthermore, healthcare communications aid in improving quality of services rendered to the patient and also ensures safety of the patients (National Business Group on Health, 2012). Ineffective communications have several significant effects on health outcomes. Certain researches carried out during the period 1995 to 2005 have revealed the fact that ineffective communication has been the major cause in almost 66% percent of the medical miscalculations (Institute for Healthcare Communication, 2012). Furthermore, it has also been noticed that ineffective communication acted as a cause for physical and emotional injury to the patients.
Evaluate the options at the security manager disposal to respond to Essay
Evaluate the options at the security manager disposal to respond to organizational lost - Essay Example The capability to access and circulate data quickly and readily sounds marvellous from a productivity viewpoint; however, this is terrifying from a security perspective. Numerous studies have demonstrated that employees can equally do damage. This essay will mainly focus on the threats, dangers and risks that organizations are exposed to in the arena of Information Technology, approaches that managers can adopt to reduce them. The paper explores the implication of data theft for an organization within the financial sector with a bias towards insider threats. The key danger facing organizations emanates mainly from information technology; other hazards may include negligent workers, unsatisfied employees, data theft, documents and improper disposal of data (Blackwell 2009, p.8). In response to security threats to organization’s data, organizations have implemented diverse tools to mitigate and contain those threats through approaches such as passwords, encryption, firewalls, access-control lists, network traffic monitoring, system audits, and patch management. However, despite this arsenal, organizations cannot entirely impede the flow of proprietary data, confidential information, and trade secrets. An organization can frequently detect or control when an outsider (or a non-employee within the organization) attempts to access organizational data, either physically or electronically, and as such, the organization can be able to lessen the threat posed by an outsider stealing organization property. Nevertheless, the â€Å"thief†who can be considered harder to discover and who can render the most damage is the insider or employees who have legitimate access. Insiders embody authorized users with genuine access to corporate networks, data, and applications. Insiders include, but are not limited to, board members, employees, executives, business managers, IT consultants, contractors, and outsourcers. Specialists who
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Relevancy of Effective Personal Health Care Communication Term Paper
Relevancy of Effective Personal Health Care Communication - Term Paper Example It has been noticed that the cases of patient complaints are likely to be lowered when effective communication activities are maintained between the service providers and the patients. It facilitates them to identify the problems faced by the patients and assists them in solving problems in a better way. Therefore, it can be stated that effective communication enhances the overall quality of care as well as the services provided by the several caregivers to the patients, and improves the satisfaction level of patients (BA & OO, 2012). Healthcare communications have a significant influence on the health outcome of individuals. It facilitates the individuals to get aware of the health hazards that they might face, and also educates them about the preventive measures which should be taken in order to minimize as well as eliminate the chances of health problems to occur. Healthcare communications provide various means for the individuals to be healthy by providing adequate knowledge to the individuals about the nutritional necessity of human body and facilitate them to lead a healthy life. This type of communication activities can also educate the individuals about the adverse effects of consuming alcohol and other such drugs. It aids individuals in minimizing the consumption of alcohol and other similar drugs. Furthermore, healthcare communications aid in improving quality of services rendered to the patient and also ensures safety of the patients (National Business Group on Health, 2012). Ineffective communications have several significant effects on health outcomes. Certain researches carried out during the period 1995 to 2005 have revealed the fact that ineffective communication has been the major cause in almost 66% percent of the medical miscalculations (Institute for Healthcare Communication, 2012). Furthermore, it has also been noticed that ineffective communication acted as a cause for physical and emotional injury to the patients.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Investment Options Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Investment Options - Research Paper Example Individuals or firms who speculate in futures contracts by buying to profit from a price increase or selling to profit from a price decrease are aptly termed as speculators. Suffice it to say that speculators put their money at risk in the hope of profiting from an anticipated price change. Buying futures contracts with the hope of later being able to sell them at a higher price is known as "going long." Conversely, selling futures contracts with the hope of being able to buy back identical and offsetting futures contracts at a lower price is known as "going short." An arbitrageur is a type of investor, actually a type of speculator, who attempts to profit from price inefficiencies in the market by making simultaneous tradesthat offset each other andcapture risk-free profits.An arbitrageur would, for example, seek out price discrepancies between stocks listed on more than one exchange, buy the undervalued shares on the one exchange while short selling the same number of overvalued shares on the other exchange, thus capturing risk-free profits as the prices on thetwoexchanges converge. Arbitrageurs are typically very experienced investors since arbitrage opportunities are difficult to find and require relativelyfast trading. The three amigos were certainly not hedgers as they were not concerned about protecting the interest of Getty Oil. They were, in fact, keen on making a quick buck out of buying shares of Getty Oil (which were very cheap) and selling them at a higher price when the takeover battle commences. In this regard, they can be considered as speculators as they are buying the shares in the hope of higher selling prices in the future. However, because the three amigos were taking advantage of the price inefficiency of Getty Oil which was at 30$ instead of having risen to $50 to 60, they are arbitrageurs. They were so keen in capturing risk free profits or at least an investment with very little risk. 2. Describe step-by-step their strategy. What were the major assumptions of their strategy They were relying on what type of investors to move in what way The strategy of the three amigos is to find a stock price which carried with it minimal or no risks (i.e. stock price would not go down in the future). They were looking for a company that was not closely observed by stock traders and which was very likely to have stock prices going up thereby making them earn profits in a very short period. The major assumption that the three amigos made was that Getty Oil's stock price was not likely to go down and the conditions were ripe for an increase. They arrived at this by considering that Getty Oil was selling only at a low multiple of its cash flow and had assets that can be easily valued and liquidated. Getty Oil also had assets in the right place and had proven reserves. The political, economic and oil industry's environment also showed that is highly probable that oil players will be at the winning edge in the future. The only reason that Getty Oil stock price hasn't risen yet despite all the positive factors was that the shareholders were segmented which was causing inefficiency in grabbing the opportunity. With an imminent takeover, Getty Oil will soon take advantage of the positive fact
Making Collaboration Work in Inclusive High School Classrooms Essay Example for Free
Making Collaboration Work in Inclusive High School Classrooms Essay The author uses a fictional case study chronicling a team in an inclusive high school setting. The team consists of the principal (administrator), the general education teacher, the special education teacher, the physical therapist, and the speech pathologist. Throughout the paper she creates a fictional case study that moves the group from contention through collaboration to ultimate success in sustaining an inclusion program at the fictional high school. The limitations to this approach is first, that it is fictional. Second, it does not account for external factors such as program funding or the presence of other educational initiatives that may change dynamics such as teacher availability (in terms of work hours) classroom methods such as those designed to facilitate state and district demands under the No Child Left Behind initiative. Although the fictional case study imposes limitations, Hines successfully demonstrates four guiding principals or best practices for successful collaboration open communication, sharing leadership, developing goals, and resolving conflicts. By breaking the case study into four sections, she poses the questions what is the challenge to successful collaboration and what factors are impeding a successful inclusion program. Following each portion of case narrative she answer the questions and provides a framework for solving each challenge and implementing those solutions into the inclusion framework. Critical Analysis Findings and Opinions Collaboration is the key to making the inclusive classroom setting work. Effective facilitation is the key to making the collaborative effort work. The school principal is the primary facilitator. This paper describes one principal working with one team, but a principal or administrator can modify Hines’ best practices to work in multiple team settings. This paper can be read in any of three ways. First, what is collaboration and how does it assist in developing an inclusive classroom setting. Second, given the existence of an inclusive classroom setting, how can collaboration be used to solve problems that arise in sustaining a school’s inclusion program. Third, what framework should an administrator use to develop a successful collaborative effort. Conclusion Joy Hines outlines methods that principals can use for making the collaborative approach work. This case study applies laser like focus to applying principals of collaboration. Teachers and principals can use this paper to envision their roles, as well as the role of their peers, superiors, and subordinates, in the collaborative process. Finally, Hines makes clear that the team approach and proper facilitation from a leader, the principal, are key elements in making the collaborative effort work. Reference Hines, J. T. (May 2008). Making Collaboration Work in Inclusive High School Classrooms: Recommendations for Principals. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43(5), 277-282.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Design and Implementation of Galvanic Skin Resistance
Design and Implementation of Galvanic Skin Resistance CAREER EPISODE 1 Introduction CE1.1 Chronology : 2007-2011 Name of the organization : Netaji Subhash Engineering College. Geographical location : West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India Project Title : Galvanic skin resistance Position : Undergraduate Student (Bio Medical Engineer) Background CE1.2 This career episode reflects a brief summary of my contribution towards the successful completion of the project which I did in my 8th semester of my bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering at Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata, India and how I managed the technical problems to the best of my knowledge. I ensured that I have provided genuine information and also ensured that I have mentioned every point of my experience. Aim and Objective CE1.2.1 The main aim of this project is to design and implement the Galvanic Skin Resistance. Organizational Chart CE 1.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities CE 1.2.3 Major areas of my responsibilities were as follows: As Bio medical engineer is actively working in numerous fields like designing, developing, aviation, and maintain equipment. Provide engineering and technical expertise on all matters related to innovative technology, especially in the process of planning, review and evaluation. Responsible for planning, scheduling and coordinating the technical aspects of projects. Discussion with the project guide and Head of Department on ways to improve the design and to optimize performance. Ensure effective engineering and project guide communications. Listing down the selected items for projects and testing them. Negotiate with team members to generate ideas and clarify specifications Perform other duties within the scope of the job and its technical capacity and expertise. Finally, I prepared a project report. Personal Engineering Activity CE 1.3 Based on my knowledge, I applied the ideas and concepts to forecast how to accomplish the project. My plan involved determining where to place the components and how to connect them, determining the size of the components used, subject to performance criteria such as the grade of service. Initially, I collected the substantial amount of information that provided me with sufficient knowledge required to commence the project work. Galvanic skin resistance CE 1.3.1 During this project, I studied skin conductance also known as GSR, EDR, PGR, SCR and SCL is a method of measuring the electrical conductance of the skin, which varies with its moisture level. The sweat glands are controlled by thesympathetic nervous system,so I used skin conductance as an indication of psychological or physiologicalarousal. I did research of electro dermal activity and dealt with spontaneous fluctuations or reactions to stimuli. Our device measures theelectrical conductancebetween 2 points and is essentially a type of ohmmeter. When correctly calibrated, the skin conductance can measure these subtle differences. CE 1.3.2 I checked there is a relationship between sympathetic activity and emotional arousal, although one cannot identify which specific emotion is being elicited. We calculated the resistance instead of impedance it’s measured in ohms and may includeresistance (R),inductive reactance(XL), andcapacitive reactance(XC). I used Resistance concept for DC (direct currents) whereas impedance is the AC (alternating current) equivalent. I considered the galvanic skin response (GSR) feedback instrument measures skin conductivity from the fingers and palms. I used GSR feedback in the treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhydorses), related dermatological conditions, relaxing and desensitization training. I used the polygraph or lie detector in police investigation which is especially used in the United States. The lie detector uses the galvanic skin response to determine if the subject is lying or not. Hypnotherapy CE 1.3.3 I have undertaken the Hypnotherapy with a subject in hypnosis. A person who is hypnotized displays certain unusual characteristics and propensities, compared with a non-hypnotized subject. I used Hypnotherapy in relation to childbirth and sometimes used during pregnancy to prepare a mother for birth, childbirth to reduce anxiety, discomfort and pain. Since sweat gland activity is controlled by sympathetic nerve activity, I considered this measurement as an ideal way to monitor the autonomic nervous system. We described to underlie theelectro dermal response(EDR) to sympathetic stimulation. Physiology of the skin CE 1.3.4 I considered the interpretation of skin conductance or skin potential requires some understanding about the structure of tissues and beneath the skin surface. I researched the most superficial layer is called theepidermisand consists of thestratum corneum, thestratum lucidum, thegranular layer, theprickle cell layer, and thebasalorgerminating layer. The surface of the corneum (i.e. surface of the skin) is composed of dead cells, while at its base one finds healthy, living cells. We increased the conductance results from the hydration of the corneum due to the flow of sweat across the duct walls. As a consequence the effective skin conductance can vary greatly, depending on present and past eccrine activity. CE 1.3.5 Later, I noticed that the loading of ducts with sweat can be taking place before any release of sweat from the skin surface or noticeable diffusion into the corneum. I noticed that the main function of the skin is to protect the body from the environment. One aspect is to prevent the loss of water by the body. However, at the same time, the evaporation of water as a means of regulating body temperature must be facilitated. I carried out the requirements by the stratum corneum as a barrier layer that prevents the loss of water to the outside except through the sweat glands, whose activity can be controlled. This in turn is mediate by the autonomic (sympathetic) nervous system. I implemented the simple and basic concept underlying EDR and its application to psychophysiology. Electro dermal measures CE 1.3.6 I monitored the electro dermal response is associated with sweat gland activity is well established. And there are two major measures of the electro dermal response. I researched whether the measurement is of the (tonic) background level (L), or the time-varying (phasic) response (R) type. I exposed simple ideas that lead to a number of specific measures, each described by a three letter-abbreviation. I used abbreviations to distinguish the type ofelectro dermal measurements and Structure of skin resistance with equivalent electrical circuit. I suggested the epidermis that consists of keratin derived from dead cells of lower layers arranged in a flattened irregular fashion. When a person is tense or emotional, the sweat glands become more active, increasing moisture on the skin; this allows the electric current to flow more readily. I used this response in relaxation training. Theoretical Considerations Basic Block Diagram Circuit Diagram Of +- D.C 15v Regulated CE 1.3.7 I checked every IC should be supplied with positive and negative dc voltages of +15 and –15 volts respectively. We measured the output at the pin-6 with respect to the breadboard ground. Pins 1 and 5 are used for output offset voltage compensation. These two pins are not required for normal applications. GSR SENSORS CE 1.3.8 GSR Sensors was believed a lack of salivation was attributed to anxiety and therefore guilt with today’s technology. I checked there is no need for rice as biomedical sensors can measure skin conductivity from the fingers and palms to provide a modern mechanism to measure emotions. I understood theGSR sensoris highly sensitive to emotions in some people and can be used as a polygraph, or lie detector test.I used theS220 Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) Sensor tomeasure the psycho-galvanic reflex. This reflex generates a change in skin conductivity during periods of stress, excitement or shock. Galvanic Skin Response GSR sensor is just a cut 9V LEGO motor wire and some aluminum foil wrapped around fingers with tape. WIRELESSS GSR SENSOR CE 1.3.9 I considered the Shimmer GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) to monitor skin conductivity between two reusable electrodes attached to two fingers of one hand. We connected the Shimmer GSR to the Shimmer main board via the internal connector pin, and it’s contained within the Shimmer enclosure, with two leads connecting to the fingertip electrodes. Pin Diagram of V-F Convertor CE 1.3.10 I checked LM231/LM331 family of voltage-to-frequency converters is ideally suited for simple low-cost circuits like analog-to-digital conversion, precision frequency-to-voltage conversion, and many other functions. I considered the inherent advantages of the voltage-to-frequency conversion techniques it’s easy to apply in all standard voltage-to-frequency converter applications. We divided the entire project work into several subdivisions and the work was done accordingly. The subdivisions includes the design and fabrication of the power supply unit, V-I conversion, V-F conversion and Skin response monitoring through calibration. The power supply unit CE 1.3.11 Our objective was to obtain a constant D.C current source from an A.C source. Initially the 220volt A.C power supply was allowed to pass through a Transformer. I used a step down transformer and obtained the desired output. It resulted in a stepped down current supply of about +-18volt which was in turn subjected to a bridge rectifier for rectification. We converted the voltage to current and I used two major integrated circuits IC741 and IC LM331. I involved the measurement of resistance or conductance between two electrodes placed in the demarcated region of the skin. I was responsible for tabulated the obtained results accordingly. From the obtained result, graphical interpretation was carried off and accordingly we carried out the calibration as per skin response. Calculation formulations CE 1.3.12 I found the load current IL passing through the load resistance RL. From Ohm’s law we can wrote, V= IL*RL. I found the output voltage through the potential divider carrying the previously calculated load current. I calculated the output voltage across the load resistance and from the rule of potential divider is Vo= (RL/(R+RL))*VCC†¦.where Vo= output voltage I tabulated the results with the above mentioned formulae by changing the skin resistance. I compared the Practical values and theoretical values and evaluated that practical values were very close to theoretical values. And I observed the output frequency from the previously calculated input voltage or the v-f conversion. Fout= (Vin/ (2.09*Vcc))*(Rs/RL)*(1/RtCt) CE 1.3.13 The successful completion of this project provided me an opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge into real time job application. I could accomplish this task successfully by studying every process of developing in detail with its specifications and implementation. I got positive approach and approval from guide for other projects. I had a meeting with the project guide and team members to understand the requirement. I had to complete this project within the given deadline based on the requirements. Technical Difficulties faced by me CE 1.3.14 I faced some difficulties like the validity of this technique has been much disputed, because there is no way of knowing for sure that the stimulus provided by the researcher (the advertisement) was the cause of the response. Its proponents argue that it is more objective than research that relies on voluntary responses like interviews or surveys. The other difficulties are Sources causes of skin resistance and its properties were providing certain difficulties to be understood and counteracted. Summary CE 1.4 Galvanic skin resistance, commonly called the GSR is the measurement of electrical resistance of skin. In the project we have produced a calibration curve by plotting frequency against the corresponding change of skin resistance. The errors that may have cropped up in the process such as Manual errors, Assumption errors, System and instrument errors, Ambient factors and external errors, Presence of sweat on skin and Presence Skin hair etc. We found the resistance of the skin by placing two electrodes on the epidermis and noting down the corresponding frequency. I checked the values from the calibration curve, the value of the resistance can be known. We designed a simple GSR was more or less successful as the practical results were very close to the theoretical values.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Apollo 13 (as-508): Houston, We Have A Problem. :: essays research papers
Apollo 13 (AS-508): Houston, we have a problem. The Apollo 13 mission was launched at 2:13 p.m. EST, April 11, 1970 from launch complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center. The space vehicle crew consisted of James A. Lovell, Jr. commander, John L. Swigert, Jr., command module pilot and Fred W. Haise, Jr. lunar module pilot. The Apollo 13 Mission was planned as a lunar landing mission but was aborted en route to the moon after about 56 hours of flight due to loss of service module cryogenic oxygen and consequent loss of capability to generate electrical power, to provide oxygen and to produce water. Spacecraft systems performance was nominal until the fans in cryogenic oxygen tank 2 were turned on at 55:53:18 ground elapsed time (GET). About 2 seconds after energizing the fan circuit, a short was indicated in the current from fuel cell 3, which was supplying power to cryogenic oxygen tank 2 fans. Within several additional seconds, two other shorted conditions occurred. Electrical shorts in the fan circuit ignited the wire insulation, causing temperature and pressure to increase within cryogenic oxygen tank 2. When pressure reached the cryogenic oxygen tank 2 relief valve full-flow conditions of 1008 psi, the pressure began decreasing for about 9 seconds, at which time the relief valve probably reseated, causing the pressure to rise again momentarily. About a quarter of a second later, a vibration disturbance was noted on the command module accelerometers. The next series of events occurred within a fraction of a second between the accelerometer disturbances and the data loss. A tank line burst, because of heat, in the vacuum jacket pressurizing the annulus and, in turn, causing the blow-out plug on the vacuum jacket to rupture. Some mechanism in bay 4 combined with the oxygen buildup in that bay to cause a rapid pressure rise which resulted in separation of the outer panel. The panel struck one of the dishes of the high-gain antenna. The panel separation shock closed the fuel cell 1 and 3 oxygen reactant shut-off valves and several propellant and helium isolation valves in the reaction control system. Data were lost for about 1.8 seconds as the high-gain antenna switched from narrow beam to wide beam, because of the antenna being hit and damaged. As a result of these occurrences, the CM was powered down and the LM was configured to supply the necessary power and other consumables. The CSM was powered down at approximately 58:40 GET. The surge tank and repressurization package were isolated with approximately 860 psi residual pressure (approx. 6.5 lbs of oxygen total). The primary water glycol system was
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Corruption in US Government Essay -- American Government
The story of the founding of the United States is a story nearly every United States citizen understands at the very least a rough version of. The story of how a group of patriots overthrew standing British power who were invading their rights to privacy, taxing them unfairly, and overall not giving the colonials a square deal. This story gives American’s pride in their identity and government. It also serves to legitimize the current US Government, for the current officials follow the same Constitution set up by those Patriots who fought the British. However, since the founding of the US Government there have been numerous cases in which the government has betrayed its people and committed corruption. When the media finds out about such a corrupt act, generally a scapegoat bears the entirety of the blame. In this paper I will argue that this is wrong, and in reality corruption occurs on several different levels and is carried out by multiple people. One of the examples of US government corruption that had a major impact on the American people is often overlooked. Fred Hampton, a leader in the Black Panther Party during the late 1960’s was deliberately and brutally murdered by the US government on December 4, 1969. This act not only infringed on his rights in the worst possible way, it also had an immeasurable impact on the progress of African Americans in American society. Hampton was a rising leader within the the Civil Rights Movement, and at the young age of 22 had a lot of potential. There is no way for us to know exactly what his impact would have been had he been able to live his life to it’s natural death, but we can be sure that he had great skills and worked hard when it came to the advancement of the African American... ...ntative democracy, which means that the people govern through representatives. When the public has no way to know the full truth of which representatives have been true to the will of the people, then we lose the democracy. It is admittedly easier to simply choose a single person to cast the full blame of corruption on an individual. However, it is not a practical way to allow the public to govern. They have a right to the truth and both the media and the government have responsibility to see this right is fulfilled. Works Cited Hampton, Fred, Mike Gray, and Howard Alk. The Murder of Fred Hampton. Chicago, Ill: Facets Video, 2007. Krakauer, Jon. Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman. New York: Doubleday, 2009. Print. Lardner, Richard. "Retired Three Star General Kensinger Censured in Cover Up after Tillman Death." Associated Press (2007): Web.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Smells Like Fifth Symphony: A Dissertation On The Works Of Cobain And Beethoven
Musical legends Kurt Cobain and Ludwig Van Beethoven may have lived in different timelines, played different kinds of music and had different musical influences but their passion and the workmanship that they have rendered to perfect their craft is so commendable that their masterpieces are still considered as one of the pillars of the music industry of today. Kurt Cobain as Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967. On the other hand, Ludwig Van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770. Both of them had families that had musical backgrounds, Cobain’s maternal uncle Chuck Fradenburg starred in a band called â€Å"The Beachcombers†while his Aunt Mari Earle played guitar and performed in bands throughout Grays Harbor County, and his great-uncle Delbert had a career as an Irish tenor; making an appearance in the 1930 film King of Jazz . On the other hand, Beethoven was a grandson of a musician named Lodewijk van Beethoven where he was named after as Lodewijk which was the Dutch cognate of Ludwig. His grandfather was employed as a bass singer at the court of the Elector of Cologne, rising to become Kapellmeister (music director). Moreover, his grandfather had one son, Johann van Beethoven who worked as a tenor in the same musical establishment, was also giving lessons on piano and violin for additional income . With those musical genes encrypted in their DNA, it was no wonder that both of them made a mark in the music industry with their compositions. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and Kurt Cobain’s Smells like Teen Spirit both catapulted them to superstar’s status and fame to say the least. Even though the compositions of the two musical geniuses were 183 years apart, Smells like Teen Spirit was released on 1991 while Fifth Symphony was released on 1808, both had changed the way the music should be played in their various eras. The song â€Å"Smells like Teen Spirit†talked about teenage angst and not following the guidelines that the adults expect the teenagers to be. It was sort of a revolutionary anthem among teenagers at that time . On the contrary, experts believed that Beethoven’s â€Å"Fifth Symphony†was about fate knocking at the door or at the gate . Among the other differences of the two pieces was the key of the song, Teen Spirit was written in the key of F minor while Fifth Symphony was written in C minor. Furthermore, instrumentation was one of the major differences among the two pieces; Fifth Symphony used flutes, clarinets, horns among others while Teen Spirit used heavy guitar distortions and drums. However, tempo was one of the resemblances of the two compositions. They both had transition between slow notes and faster notes and vice versa. Furthermore, they also had distinctive notes played mostly throughout the song. One thing that could really connect the two musical geniuses was that Cobain loved to focus on the melodies of the songs and not the lyrics. Cobain said, why in the hell do journalists insist on coming up with a second-rate Freudian evaluation of my lyrics, when 90 percent of the time they've transcribed them incorrectly? With that kind of mentality, given the chance, Cobain’s musical idea could have worked well with the idea of Beethoven. It would like the mash-up between the classical music and rock music. For sure, the music industry would never be the same again.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Ballistics (Forensic Science)
Ballistics is one of the essential components of forensic science. Researchers and scholars in ballistics actively work to improve the quality of ballistics research methods and to enhance the effectiveness of all forensic procedures. It should be noted, that ballistics was not always widely recognized as a scientific method of firearms identification. For many years, courts and law enforcement professionals viewed ballistics as unnecessary and unimportant in the investigation of the major criminal cases.Now, with the advent of the new technological age, ballistics has not only turned into the critical element of success in forensics, but is actively aligned with advanced technologies to speed up the process of identification of firearms. Ballistics (Forensic Science) Introduction Ballistics is one of the essential components of forensic science. Researchers and scholars in ballistics actively work to improve the quality of ballistics research methods and to enhance the effectiveness of all forensic procedures.It should be noted, that ballistics was not always widely recognized as a scientific method of firearms identification. For many years, courts and law enforcement professionals viewed ballistics as unnecessary and unimportant in the investigation of the major criminal cases. Now, with the advent of the new technological age, ballistics has not only turned into the critical element of success in forensics, but is actively aligned with advanced technologies to speed up the process of identification of firearms.Ballistics: definition and history To begin with, â€Å"ballistics, in the most general sense, is the study of firearms – ‘guns’ in the vernacular. As a term of art, ballistics technically refers to the study of a bullet’s path from the firearm, through the air, and into a target†(Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007). From the viewpoint of forensics, ballistics comes up to represent a system of principles and calculations used to match recovered bullets (or their casings) to the firearms which were used to fire them.To a large extent, the study of ballistics is based on the whole set of physical laws, starting with the law of ideal gas and up to the principles of explosion and pressure within the firearms. Currently, ballistics is used to resolve the major firearms complexities, which law enforcement professionals face in the process of investigating a crime. A professional in practical ballistics works to restore the picture of the crime using firearms, bullets, casings, or their residues, and to match them to the marks that had been left on the crime scene.Despite the seriousness of the firearms identification process and the role which ballistics may play for the effectiveness of other forensic procedures, it was not before the beginning of the 1950s that the term â€Å"ballistics†became a widely recognized description of firearms studies (Warlow, 2004). The history of ballistics dates back to the times, when firearms were made manually and individually and each bullet was unique. Gunsmiths were the ones to produce flintlocks and matchlocks, and each firearm bore the sign of its creator.Early firearms could be readily compared to the works of art, for even â€Å"the screws that held together early firearms were handmade and often specific in width and pitch of the threads†(Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007). In conditions where firearms could be distinguished from one another without a difficulty and where every gun bore a unique sign of its creator, matching bullets to firearms was not a difficult task. As a result, early forensic scientists did not really need the knowledge of ballistics in its current form.Matching bullets to their molds was an easy-to-accomplish procedure and did not require any specialized skills or calculations. At the beginning of the 19th century, however, bullets and firearms have turned into the products of mass production, and the form of the bullet was standardized (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007). Although the amount of firearms models was rather limited and a criminal investigator could easily name the firearm from which specific bullets came, it was no longer possible to distinguish between different variations of firearms that had been produced by one manufacturer (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007).That is why forensic professionals have become increasingly interested in studying specific features of bullets and firearms that might have been concealed from the naked eye. Phillip Gavelle was one of the first to use microscopes to investigate the features of bullets and compare them to the details and characteristics of the crime scene (Warlow, 2004). With time, experts have also come to realize the role which firing pin and breech marks could play for the identification of firearms (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007).Unfortunately, the term â€Å"ballistics†and the importance of firearms investigation did not attract public atte ntion, and only after the Sacco and Vanzetti case, as well as the publication of the three firearms identification treatises, the court has officially recognized ballistics as a forensic science, giving law enforcement professionals a chance to improve the quality of all forensic procedures and to develop a new system of forensic methodology with regard to firearms (Warlow, 2004).Ballistics in its modern form: internal, external, and terminal Certainly, with the scientific contribution which Goddard made to the development of ballistics, we would hardly be aware of how effective firearms identification could be for resolving the most complicated criminal cases. Now, as guns and firearms are mass-produced, and thousands and millions of individuals are given the legal right to carry concealed arms, ballistics gradually turns into the central component in the system of law enforcement principles used to reduce and prevent crime threats.In its current form, ballistics is usually divided into the three distinct areas: internal, external, and terminal ballistics. This division is necessary to make the study of separate ballistics aspects more effective, and to provide forensic scientists with sufficient analytical instruments. Moreover, this division is based on the path, which a bullet usually passes down the barrel, through the air, and finally, through a target. Internal ballistics (or initial ballistics) is concentrated around the path, which a bullet passes within the gun (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007).Although measuring and describing the path of the bullet within the gun is very difficult and almost impossible, forensic scientists use velocity (or muzzle velocity) as the central forensic criterion in the study of internal bullet behaviors. Internal ballistics â€Å"concerns what happens within a time span of in the region of 2 ms between the impact of the firing pin or striker and the exit of the bullet or shot charge from the muzzle end of the barrel†(W arlow, 2004).Energy transfer, pressures and powders, combustion residues, as well as recoil in the weapon are the elements forensic professionals need to know, in order to relate the processes within the gun to the results they have produced on the crime scene. As soon as the bullet leaves the barrel, it becomes an object of external ballistics study. The latter is concerned with the pathway the bullet passes after leaving the barrel and involves the study of missile trajectory, and the impact which air gravity and resistance might have caused on it (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007).In terms of smooth-bored guns, forensic scientists are usually concerned about the changes that might have occurred in the spread of the shot charge (Warlow, 2004). Crosswinds and the way they change missile trajectory are just another subjects of forensic research in external ballistics. External ballistics usually seeks to determine the scope of influences other materials could produce on the bullet. For exa mple, and Warlow (2004) emphasizes this fact, unburned propellant particles will tend to significantly affect the bullet at close range.Bullet stability, flight, sectional density and shape, and even aerodynamic stabilization form the numerical basis of external ballistics and turn it into a distinctively mathematical field, well-known for its complex algebraic and geometric calculations. The study of the bullet path would be incomplete without researching the processes and changes the bullet undergoes after hitting a target. Upon striking a target, the bullet either deforms or disintegrates, simultaneously damaging or destroying the target (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007).These elements are the objects of terminal ballistics research. Terminal ballistics professionals work to link the character of the target destruction to the missile trajectory, its velocity, specific characteristics, design, and the features of the target itself. Given that the majority of targets which terminal balli stics investigates are humans, and taking into account the complex structure of the human body, terminal ballistics is probably the most complicated and the most responsible area of forensic firearms science.Researchers suggest that the bullet’s behaviors after hitting the human target are too unexpected and too unpredictable (Carlucci & Jacobson, 2007; Warlow, 2004). Forensic scientists are not always able to establish the link between the pathway the bullet has passed and the injuries found in a victim’s body. That is why terminal ballistics is a complex study of ricochet, impact, penetration, and kinetic forces that are considered responsible for the major motional shifts the bullet undergoes after hitting a target.Forensic ballistics: the new technological stage With the number of physical laws ballistics uses to match the bullets to firearms and to investigate the pathway the bullet passes from the barrel through a target, it is natural that ballistics professiona ls are involved into complex computation processes. However, with the advent of the new technological age forensic scientists have been offered an opportunity to use computer and software technologies for calculation purposes.Now, ballistics software models are extremely sophisticated in contents, but extremely easy in use. IT professionals were able to simplify and integrate the complicated systems of motion, dynamics, gravity and location, as well as hundreds of other physical concepts and principles into a universal system of calculation, which specialists in ballistics use to compute and describe the missile trajectory and bullet flight performance.Unfortunately, there is a whole set of problems to resolve before ballistics software turns into a reliable tool of forensic knowledge. For example, external ballistics technology is concerned with the way equations of motion can be simplified to improve the quality of six-degrees-of-freedom equations and to speed up the process of th eir solution (Belzer, Holzman & Kent, 2006). â€Å"There are also problems with fluid mechanics. These may include matters of universal interest, such as similarity principles, e. g. for transonic flow†(Belzer, Holzman & Kent, 2006).In terminal ballistics, chemistry is the major obstacle IT designers and developers face on their way to creating an effective system of ballistics computation; fluid mechanics also makes it difficult to design complex equations that would take into account the principles of heat conduction, viscosity, chemical reactions, and temperature dependencies (Belzer, Holzman & Kent, 2006).Nevertheless, it is with the emergence of new technologies that ballistics has been given a second breathe and it is in the current technological age that ballistics is likely to become a rapidly evolving area of forensic science and law enforcement, with the emphasis made on the speed and quality of ballistics solutions. Conclusion For many years, ballistics remained a n area of knowledge mostly neglected by forensic professionals.However, as firearms have been gradually turning into the objects of mass production, it was becoming more and more difficult to match bullets to the firearms from which they came. As a result, ballistics has come to represent a complex system of investigation principles aimed at researching the bullet behavior on its way from the barrel and through a target, as well as matching bullets to specific firearms and the marks they have left on the crime scene.Now, under the impact of technological progress, ballistics has been successfully aligned with the complex computation models, and although there is still much to resolve before ballistics becomes a purely technological field, it is obvious that ballistics will remain one of the most rapidly evolving areas of forensic science, with the emphasis made on the speed and quality of ballistics solutions.References Belzer, J. , Holzman, A. G. & Kent, A. (2006). Encyclopedia of science and technology. CRC Press. Carlucci, D. E. & Jacobson, S. (2007). Ballistics: Theory and design of guns and ammunition. CRC Press. Warlow, T. A. (2004). Firearms, the law, and forensic ballistics. CRC Press.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Mental Health Assessment and Management Case Study
Mental Health Assessment and Management - Case Study Example Depression will also always affect one’s thoughts. The person will tend to think negatively about the world, family, self and their future. They will think of life being hopeless, they will think of themselves being useless and even think of taking their life (Roy, 2005; Lam, 2012). A depressed person will also either eat too much or not enough. Might have trouble sleeping or oversleep due to extreme tiredness. In the end, depression can affect one’s life, to a point that it results in serious problems with one’s family, at school, job and with friends (Roy, 2005; Lam, 2012). Mrs. Johnson is suffering from depression. She recently lost her job, which may be a sign of depression being the cause of losing the job. She feels worthless â€Å"She feels her children may be â€Å"better off†without her†. She also has a record of three-month worsening anxiety, which explains the depression. Anxiety is a cause, and also a symptom of depression. Other symptoms of depression identified from Mrs. Johnson’s report are; decreased appetite decreased energy, and suicidal ideation (Roy, 2005; Lam, 2012). Another mental problem observed is suicide. Warning signs of suicidal person are; if the person is talking about suicide, if the person is depressed and feeling hopeless, if the person has low self-esteem, if there is change in the person’s sleeping patterns, eating habits (eating less or more than usual), personality (withdrawn, less sociable or sad), and behavior (poor/ reduced concentration). Mrs. Johnson’s depression could be a cause of her lack of concentration that resulted in a loss of her job. She is to be divorced, and worries about her children. She thinks she is a failure. She may also have to sell her house. All these negative thoughts are a source of the thoughts about suicide. It could also be that Mrs. Johnson’s accident could have been self-inflicted. She tells all her experiences in tears after the accident. It could mean that she was trying to end it all. This could have been her first attempt to suicide, and so she was explaining the reason as to why she needed it. From NHS information, it is also clear that Mrs. Johnson was, and is still vulnerable to suicide. Mental health, life history, lifestyle, relationships, employment, and genetics, are some of the factors that make one vulnerable to suicide (NHS, 2012). Mrs. Johnson has a family history of depression in his father and grandfather (paternal) and also has an uncle that committed suicide due to depression. She recently lost her job; her relationship with her husband is coming to an end, while that with her sons is filled with hopelessness as she perceives it. She is also depressed and has suffered anxiety for three months.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Dream School Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Dream School - Term Paper Example Therefore, activities and materials used in the school will be design to provide the preschool children with a wide range of experiences in all developmental stages. Consequently, these can facilitate their growth and give them numerous opportunities from which they can choose from to carry out preferred tasks. As such, these materials and methods in the school will reflect the philosophy of Piaget and incorporate the most appropriate materials of other educators in order to assist the learning process of children. Similarly important would be the children’s teacher, hence the presence of well qualified teaching staff members to positively contribute to the personal development and fulfillment of preschoolers as well as instill the values of care and love. The following sections will then look into the educational philosophy, curriculum, physical building and facilities, and the choice of teachers in the ideal school that aims to emphasize the developmental learning of prescho olers. Educational Philosophy The educational philosophy of the school would place an emphasis on interactions between adults and children as well as relationships in school and at home. The school will also incorporate developmentally appropriate practices that have been established by professional organizations that support early childhood education, such as the National Association for the Education of Young Children. As developmentally appropriate practice entails, teachers must be knowledgeable regarding the different stages of a child’s development as well as their implications. Such knowledge consequently becomes the principle from which they share information, construct the content of the curriculum, evaluate what has to be implemented, evaluate what the children have learned, as well as determine how their curriculum will be adapted to meet the individual needs, interests, and strengths of children in preschool age (Bredekamp and Rosegrant, 1992). In addition, teache rs should know the children they are teaching as well as their families to increase their awareness of the latter’s cultural and social settings. The school’s principles are centered on the recognition and responsiveness towards preschool children who are in the preoperational phase of development, as noted by Piaget. They recognize that objects do exist without touching them and can develop their own set of symbols, such as words and images, as representations of the real world. The school also recognizes that lessons will take place through assimilation, adaptation and accommodation. When children are introduced to new occurrences, they will try to understand these by associating them with the things that they have already known. Once they have obtained experience with such new phenomenon, their thoughts, feelings, and approaches may change to accommodate the attributes of this new phenomenon. Implications then point towards the need for children to be exposed to new experiences which can be associated with previous ones but, to some extent, should also bring about challenges for their way of thinking. Therefore, in order for this ideal school to maintain practices that are appropriate for children’s development, they must establish a secure, stimulating, and nurturing environment as well as develop a flexible curriculum, reflecting the themes and activities of teachers and children. These young
Monday, October 7, 2019
Business environment and strategic planning Essay
Business environment and strategic planning - Essay Example Various factors which are specific to the industries in which firms operate such as - economies of scale, product differentiation, degree of concentration of various firms in that industry as well as barriers to market entry; significantly affect their performance (Hoskisson et al., 2008). This paper aims to discuss the impact of reclassification of a firm’s industry sector, on the industry, and the factors affecting its strategic management. It also includes an analysis of the company’s value chain; five forces analysis of the industry it operates in; core competencies and key issues the five forces framework. The leading construction firm – Carillion Plc., UK is selected for the purpose of this study. Carillion Plc., is one of UK’s leading support services companies, with a substantial portfolio of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects and extensive construction capabilities. It has its business operations in various countries including the UK, Middle East, Canada, North Africa as well as the Caribbean, employing about fifty thousand people worldwide, and annual revenues worth more than  £5bn. It operates in various market sectors such as – defence, education, health, building, facilities management and services, roads, rail, civil engineering and utilities services etc. (Carillion, 2010a). Its key business strategy is to aim for sustainable growth in the support services and PPP projects; create, develop and market bespoke integrated solutions to its customers in the areas of project finance, design and construction as well as maintenance and lifetime asset management solutions. It also aims to maintain a strong and selective construction capability for long-term support service customers. As a part of this strategy the company has undergone significant changes over the years, primarily in the industry sector to which it belongs. Carillion has been reclassified as a
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Data mining Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Data mining - Research Paper Example One of the notable differences that is there between data mining and databases is the fact that in databases, stored facts are retrieved from the data store while in data mining; patterns are analyzed so that new patterns that have been previously unknown can be got. Data mining is done using data that have been stored, otherwise known as static data, while database use data which are n operation and which are updated regularly. Data mining use data which have been got at a given instance. One thing that is worth noting is that data mining has its origins in statistics rather than computer science. Although many concepts are derived from computer science, it has been argued that it shows many characteristics and has been from statistics and also has been derived from statistical urge to derive patterns which have been unknown in the past. Data mining components Data mining entails storing and managing data in a multi-dimensional database. A multi-dimensional database is perfected for use in data warehouse. It is also useful in online analytical processing (OLAP). An OLAP is a solution for giving businesses superior techniques for visualizing business metrics from different points of view. Data must be organized in a way that will allow for optimized inquiry into the data. Data mining is the process of sorting through a collection of data for the purpose of identifying patterns and using the patterns to establish relationships. With competition going tighter, organizations are becoming more sensitive to how they handle the patterns they get from the behavior of their clients. These patterns can be used for the benefit of an organization. Many of the decision making process today are based on pattern that is got from the data (Han, Kamber, Pei, 2011). For effective data mining, data must be stored, organized and managed using the latest tools. This will allow users to ask leading questions that will aid in making decisions. In managing data in a multidimensional environment, the intention is to b able to process data very quickly and get answers using the shortest time possible. This is the main gist of data mining. With this, it is possible to get facts that will lead to better decision-making. The speed is achieved by organizing data into data cubes; this shows the dimensions that are available to the user. The data will have various attributes that are associated with it. The attributes are created depending on the requirements that are required of the data. In data mining, it is important to get some pattern from the information that has been gathered (Han, Kamber, Pei, 2011). Data management is the process where important information is organized in such a way that it is easy to get some rule and convention that is happening. Forms of data mining There are many forms of data mining. Two popular forms of data mining are class description and class discrimination. The former, class description, entails features that expose some hidden ch aracteristics in a given collection of data. An example is that there could be a need to find out the patterns and the characteristics of people who buy low-end vehicles. There could be some characteristics of these people from the other people who buy expensive vehicles. On the other hand, class discrimination entails looking for features that separates two sets of objects. One example that can be given to show this is the characteristi
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