Thursday, November 28, 2019
When You Listen To A Piece Of Music You Usually Dont Think Of Math, B
When you listen to a piece of music you usually don't think of math, but the two are interlinked and music always involves math even though we don't always realize it. When musicians play music they are using mathematical formulas to play. There are formulas for making cords, scales and a formula for the what notes they play. Musical notation also involves math, you use time signatures while playing along to a piece of music which are basically just fractions, 3/4,7/4, and 4/4 are all time signatures. the bottom number in the fraction gives you the type of note to be played and the top gives you the amount of times it is played. There are five basic types of notes to be played in music, the sixteenth note, the eighth note, the quarter note, the half note, and the whole note. For each of these notes you divide the previous note by two. The sixteenth note is divided into two which gives us eight, the eight into four, and so on (see chart). The easiest note to start with is the whole note there is one beat per measure of a song, for the half there is two beats per measure, and so on until there is sixteen beats per measure. ( Guitar chords are also made using a formula, first you get the scale of the type of cord you are trying to form, for example lets say c-major the formula for making a major cord would be tone, tone, semi-tone, which would mean the first note in the scale, the fourth, and the seventh. This is how most musicians make a cord. The first note in the scale is always a full tone as is the last this is because this is two octaves apart and they are the root notes. (guitar player, June 1996) There are twelve tones in an octave ex. C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. A full octave would have another C at the end but it is the same pitch as the first C except an octave higher so it is usually left out. Ancient Greeks came up with this method, they said in an octave each note was an integer multiple of the first. There is not a perfect octave however it is always a couple of numbers off the original frequency. log3/log2= continued fraction[1,1,1,2,2,3,1,5,2,23,...], is the best fraction to get closest to the perfect octave. if we take the notes frequencies, and build fifths we get pretty accurate to a perfect octave. Twelve is by far the easiest number to get closest to a perfect octave which is why there are twelve tones in an octave. A whole tone is usually from one whole note to the other or one # note to the other except on tow occasions: b-c and e-f there is no # note in between those notes so from b-c and e-f is a whole tone but anywhere else it is three notes ex . a-a#-b ( Math is also very important while making a guitar. A normal guitar usually contains 21 frets, the spaces in between the frets is usually found by getting the total length of the neck, and then using the rule of 18 which is 17.835. You divide the length of the neck by this number and this gives you the length of the first fret. Then you subtract the length of the first fret from the total neck length and then divide the length by 17.835. You do this until you have the full neck fretted Bibliography Bibliography:, good place for guitar theory, good place for time signature Book: Drum Basics, good source for musical notation] Guitar Theory, good book for musical theory
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Power To Change Yourself essays
The Power To Change Yourself essays We have seen insight from different writers showing that all people have the ability to create his or her own person. Environmental factors play a huge role in the creation of a person, but the mental predisposition is the primary cause for who we become. It does not matter if individuals are surrounded by constant negativity and adversity, because they still have the choice to fall into conformity or stand up for themselves. We have witnessed the different outcomes as a result of strong determination in Fredrick Douglass and weaker determination in Frankenstein. Douglass and Frankensteins monster were very different people from different times, but they both had the same chance to work with their given opportunities and choose the path their life would follow. Cause and effect are highly predominant in certain situations, but people always have the option to become who they truly want to be. Fredrick Douglasss birth was considered insignificant, except to begin his live as a slave. Douglass was birthed by an African slave woman, who had been impregnated by a Caucasian slave master (most likely), whose identity remained unknown. He was then torn from his mother in order to hinder the development of the childs affection toward its mother, and to blunt and destroy the natural affection of the mother for the child (13). Douglass was denied the emotional support found within a family and was left to raise himself. The birth of Frankensteins monster, however, was a huge event, that marked the advancement of science and technology. He was made out of the sheer passion for science, yet was quickly abandoned by his own maker. Like Douglass, the monster was also denied any emotional connections and was left to experience the new world on his own. Both Douglass and the monster had difficult beginnings into the world with little or no foundation as to why th...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critically contrast the behaviourist approach to psychology with the Essay
Critically contrast the behaviourist approach to psychology with the cognitive approach. You should refer to primary sources w - Essay Example Along with some similarities, there are fundamental contrasts of the behavioral and the cognitive approaches to psychology. First of all, both psychological schools follow different points of view as for the subject of psychological science. Behaviorists consider person’s behavior, reflected in the available objective observation of physical processes, as the only subject of psychology.  Mental processes, as factors influencing behavior, are not taken into consideration by the behavioral concept. Hempel (1949), for example, claims that â€Å"all psychological statements †¦ are translatable into statements that do not involve psychological concepts,†but only concepts for physical behavior (p. 18). The behavioral theory assumes that after birth all human beings are similar. Thus, the formation of personality is greatly related to the surrounding environment, which is to shape and bring up a future individual. â€Å"Give me a dozen health y infants, well-formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select†. (John Watson, 1930, p. ... avior, cognitive psychology focuses on internal considerations such as patterns of thoughts, obsessive preoccupations, or the manifest content of one's dreams. The cognitive approach views the processes of thinking and cognition as the determinant of human behavior. Cognition is the act or process of knowing. It refers to the mental processes of an individual and includes attention, perception, memory, reasoning, judgment, imaging, thinking, and speech. Cognitive psychology states that human behavior is not merely the product of interaction with outward reality. It explicitly acknowledges the existence of internal mental states (such as belief, desire and motivation), â€Å"Not stimuli and responses, not overtly observable behavior, not biological drives and their transformation, but meaning†¦by adding a little mentalism to it. It focused on the symbolic activities that human beings employed in constructing and making sense not only of the world, but of themselves.†(Jerome Bruner, 1990, p. 2) The cognitive approach spread also to the study of emotional and  motivational areas of personality. In fact, the behavioral approach is based on the mechanistic materialism, considering human consciousness as an artificial analogue of religious notion of ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’, and it is absolutely rejected by behaviorists. Mental processes also seem mostly as some concomitant inner factors, which are not included in the causal relationships between an individual and actuality.  Only in the world of physical phenomena there are causal links, through which one of the events serves as a reason for another one, being its consequence. From this point of view, the relationship of stimulus and response (S - R) is accepted as the basic mechanism of the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Leadership and governance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Leadership and governance - Essay Example Since the leaders tend to build a group of followers as they set their ideologies, the paper also looks at the characteristics of followers and what their role should be in ensuring that they participate in the organizations’ governance and aide in the achievement of the set goals. The actions of the leaders in governing the organization will mean the difference between the success and the failure of the organization. Due to this fact, the characteristics of good leaders and the management skills that should be applied in governance have been addressed in the paper. The roles f different people in an organization have been discussed in the paper. Among those include the role of executives, managers and other leaders in the organizations. Some of their roles overlap like overseeing the general performance of the organization. Their different roles will therefore be explained in details and what is expected from them both by their subordinates and the organization. Leaders have the responsibility to ensure that an organization succeeds in achieving oits set goals and follow the plans that have been put underway. This paper addresses the relationship between leadership and governance and the roles of different people in an organization in trying to achieve the goals set by the organization. The people in leadership positions have more than a responsibility to lead the organization. They are the role models who set the pace for all the other workers in the organization and help to show them the vision of the organization and strategies that should be used to actualize the vision. This is done by practicing good governance and setting up plans and strategies that can be actualized. The leaders have the role of uniting and motivating the workers in an organization. If they fail in this fundamental role then that could mean the failure of the whole organization in
Monday, November 18, 2019
Difficulties Children face Transitioning into Post-Secondary Essay
Difficulties Children face Transitioning into Post-Secondary Environments - Essay Example Pressure and inability to change behavior patterns become the main problem for children with emotional or behavioral disorders. A purely vocational approach does little toward enlightening the student to the enduring issues and great ideas of human civilization. It offers virtually nothing to awaken the student to his or her own unique potentialities as a human being. Furthermore, it is not essentially aimed at stirring a consciousness of social duty and religious service. another problem is that the majority of these children have low self-esteem (Nichols, 2000). Self-esteem has to do with the regard that one assigns to the attributes that comprise the self-concept. Self-esteem has to do with prizing oneself, and valuing (in the sense of worthiness) oneself. Self-esteem can be high or low: one can have a high or low opinion of himself. High and low self-esteem relates closely to good and bad self-concept (Christian, 2002). Pressure and inability to change behavior patterns become the main problem for children with emotional or behavioral disorders. A purely vocational approach does little toward enlightening the student to the enduring issues and great ideas of human civilization. It offers virtually nothing to awaken the student to his or her own unique potentialities as a human being. Furthermore, it is not essentially aimed at stirring a consciousness of social duty and religious service. another problem is that the majority of these children have low self-esteem (Nichols, 2000). Self-esteem has to do with the regard that one assigns to the attributes that comprise the self-concept. Self-esteem has to do with prizing oneself, and valuing (in the sense of worthiness) oneself. Self-esteem can be high or low: one can have a high or low opinion of himself. High and low self-esteem relates closely to good and bad self-concept (Christian, 2002). Lack of support and guidance from adults is also a problem for some children with emotional and behavior disorde rs. The focus is on the thing that he interacts with, and not on all that is going on in the world as the evening news defines it. The post-secondary ed environment is becoming more and more an experience in alienation (Nichols, 2000). The second added element over simple self-awareness allows the critically aware individual to clearly understand, it is another judgment) both what is "out there"--his world-and "in here"--inside himself--and gives him insight into how these two worlds interrelate (Nichols, 2000). The critically aware individual is "on to" how the external environment influences him, as well as how his existence and activities have an impact on this outer context. Each of the children has a reciprocal relationship with world; they shape it, and it shapes them. To be critically aware, therefore, is to know how that process of exchange operates in their lives (Kyriacon, 1997).Â
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Definition And Explanation Of Branding Marketing Essay
The Definition And Explanation Of Branding Marketing Essay This essay is about how graphics is able to change the consumers perception about a brands identity. This document summarises how the graphics of the brand is able to create an identity for the brand. The shift from simple products to brands has not been sudden or inevitable. You could argue that it grew out of the standardisation of quality products for consumers in the middle of the 20th century, which required companies to find new ways to differentiate themselves from the competitors. This type of standardisation forced companies to find new ways of distinguishing themselves. Brands such as Chanel have built a contract between the company and the consumer; in fact, the consumer has now become the judge. If the consumer feels that the brand is not for them, they will immediately chose to end the contract with the brand. 1.2 Aim To understand how brands use graphics to entice the consumer. What graphical elements are used to bring in the consumer to the brand? The brands graphics is more than just a logo, or the price of a product, service or organisation, it is also the packaging, the promotions and the advertising, all of which is guided by precisely worded positioning. In advertising, reason informs, but emotion persuades (2011). 1.3 Objectives To identify what branding is perceived as To research the different perspectives of designers, artists and writers in branding To research and understand the graphics in Chanel and Primark To reflect on Primark and Chanel graphics branding and the consumers perceptions 2. Introduction This Chapter was based on the initial research about branding in order to understand what branding does, how it is perceived and understood, thus helping to better understand the basic need of branding and how this is then incorporated into the graphical element of branding. 2.1 The definition and explanation of branding A brand is a persons gut feeling about a product, service or organization. Riston (2004:21) suggested that a brand is not just a logo, an identity or a service. The product is not of existence until the consumer gives it a place in their world of products around him or her. A brands success counts on the individual, not on companies, markets or the public. When the word success is used, it refers to how much the brand is valued by its consumers. What is a gut feeling? Because people are emotional beings, to understand an emotion a person has to feel the emotion, therefore the emotion dictates the gut feeling. In a positive case, a person will feel an emotional bond in their mind. Kotler and Keller (2006:275) assert the importance of understanding how we consumers perceive the brand and what impact a brand identity has on consumer perceptions. One could argue that these ideas relate to brand image, which refer to a brands subjective or perceived attributes. A consumers perception of a brand is vital on how the brand is generally perceived. The image of the brand however is not judged by the product, service or organisation. An experience is the meaning the brand has. Think of the brand as the core meaning of the modern corporation, and of the advertisement as one vehicle used to convey that meaning to the world. (Klein: 2010:5) Naomi Klein refers to the theory of branding as a meaning she says that a brand is a meaning. Klein (2010:6) states that ads where put in place to manipulate the buyer/user to thinking that their lives will be incomplete without their product, service or organization. She says we buy brands, not products. For example, mobiles instead of mail, television instead of the radio, light bulbs instead of oil lamps and so on. Being innovative is not enough; you need a strong advertising method to accomplish a successful brand. Advertisements need to be strong enough to create a bond with the public. Advertising becomes the bridge between the public and the product. Advertising plays a very big part in how the consumer visualises the brand. 2.2 The graphics in branding Why isnt a brand just product? Because a product is made in the factory and a brand is a meaning, made in the mind of a human being, this is why when we combine the product and the brand we are able visualise a sense of emotion but communicate the idea through the media of graphic design (Gavin Ambrose: 5:2006) Ken smith, Sandra Moriarty, Gretchen Barbatsis and Keith Kenney attempt to identify and describe the field of visual communication (2005:10). One of the most important pieces of the visual communication puzzle is aesthetics. The nature and beauty of aesthetics are a language in itself, they question how it is so meaningful to the human eye is mystery. It is suggested that, because of the nonverbal nature of aesthetics, what can be written is only speculation about the nature of visual aesthetics and cannot therefore be of visual aesthetics itself. Malcolm Barnard also questions whether this type of communication can classed as nonverbal (2002:29). Barnard states that the importance of the transmission process, if the messenger does not receive the message that it was trying to portray, then a part of the communication process may have failed in either its medium, or delivery method. The aesthetics of graphics maybe seen as a voice of its own, graphics plays an important role in a bra nds identity. Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak (2010:7) discuss how a brand is made up of different elements. It is just not the logo the makes the brand. The brand is built from the colour of the envelope the companies distribute to the song that plays whilst customers wait on the telephone. Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris (2010:10) has raised- you need to get someone to check the grammar and spelling awareness of how the packaging of a brand is important. For many brands the first interaction a consumer has with a brand is the package. Paul Harris (2010: 10) talks about how the feel of the brand gives to the consumer is a secondary interaction. The primary interaction is visual interaction and is the first connection a consumer has with the brand. What does this mean and who said it? Does it need a reference? One may argue that packaging is not only a part of the brand but it is a part of the overall graphic communication. The brain recognises shapes first then colour which helps trigger emotion. Although its easily said, the requirement of the right colour is necessary. Why? Because being selective helps build awareness and expresses individuality. Line, colour, tone, text and layout are what visual communication is all about. We need this method to distinguish a personality of style. Without it we are black and white. Colours represent a mood. In 1923 Kandinsky proposed that there was a universal relationship between three basic shapes and the three primary colours (shown below in figure 1). He believed that the colour yellow and the shape of the triangle to be the most dynamic and active through to the passive cold blue circle. (Gavin Ambrose: 2006:15) Even though the human has not discovered all the colours possible we are able to relate a colour to an emotion, brand or company. Just as a country has a flag to represent its self, we are only able to understand which country it belongs to by the colour or the logo. Red and white is common them present in many of the top brands around the world. When the grocer first went on sale in January 1862 (2012), there was no Coca-Cola. There was no Cadbury, no Heinz, and No Hovis. Many of the brands we know today, love or hate them, use them daily without thought or pointedly avoid, were not. Coca-Cola is one of the biggest world providers. They have the most successful branded value in the global branding industry. Consider for instance a can of coke-a-cola: means are to hold the liquid. Whereas coca cola (brand) holds a set of values related to the product. If separate, the brand from the package you are left with a mental container, a set of fonts, colour and graphics. These together crea te a brand thus giving the brand value. (Gavin Ambrose, Paul Harris: 2010:14) Advertisers Chris Creative Legacy Agency (CLA) believes the core essences for branding is the brand recognition. Without in-depth branding, your company gets no direction, what matters is how you get the customer engage. He believes that the brand needs to build a curiosity and an experience. Connecting the consumer with an experience is what builds the brands recognition. Brand does not have a real definition. The importance of having a brand is delivering the core message. Using different market material and communication and the way you present yourself will help bring the foundation of a structured brand. people are also rational beings why dont you mention branding as a rational solution to a problem? branding as a solution to the problem of how we give meaning to products and companies? (EXPAND) 2.3 Brand identity Rita Clifton (2009: 34) peruses the ideology of brand measurement by power. Brand valuation is an attempt to attribute part of the total value of a firm brand. Nevertheless, brand equity- Especially for brands like Microsoft or Google as opposed to a product, such as Chanel or Primark is like a reputation (it cannot be brought or sold). A brand identity builds and creates awareness for a business. When an individual has trust in a brand they help the buyer to create strong loyalties, dedication and meaningful relations. A brands value is dependent on reliability and delightfulness the brand is able to deliver. This sort of status cannot be sold, where as a trademark can be sold. The importance of economic value is also a perspective that some may argue has an impact of how a brand is perceived by the consumer. Rita Clifton (2009:17) talks how there are far more interest in the brands recognition than there was ten years ago. But there is still an ignorance and misunderstanding of ma ny of the issues. Without the value the brand will not be successful. Jan Lindeman in chapter three of the book brands in branding, talks about how the market value has quadrupled from less than twenty-per cent in 1975 to eighty per cent in 2005. Marty (2006:8) agrees that our society has moved from mass production to an economy of mass customization. Our purchasing choice has multiplied. Another example is Cadburys chocolate, without its branding logo, colour it is just a chocolate bar. The foiled packaging alone would keep the chocolate bar fresh but would result in half of the branded value that Cadburys chocolate has with its packaging Similarly Marty explains how on one side of the business you have your analytic, linear, logical thinking. On the other side the creative thinkers who like to see things emotionally that are intuitive. Marty (2006:20) puts his view on how the best brands are created when a strategic side and supported by the creative. When people start to believe there is no substitute for a brand that is when you know the brand is desirable. On the other had when you compare a product, service or organisation to another you understand that the product, organisation or service you have brought into, can be substituted by another brand. Charismatic brands such as Chanel have successfully created trust and social statuses within peoples minds. The meaning is constructed and communicated by the designer and communicated through the clothing to then conduct the message to the consumers. Likewise another brand which has also created a meaning in their consumers beliefs is the brand Primark. Apple has been able to use the power of fashion and trend to their advantage. Bill Halal (2011) explains how Steve Jobs is a genius at minimalist designs that integrate technology breakthroughs to fill a newly emerging need with unusual style. He thinks success requires listening to the technology in order to discover the potential products waiting to be invented. Any brand can be charismatic but you have to be different to the rest of the competition out there. Otherwise your brain will just filter though, and your brand will become just another brand. In an article written by Mathew Jones (2007) the scientific researcher, writes about explains that all behavioural episodes occur in a distinct spatial context: where we are, has a profound effect on what we do, particularly if we associate the place with a specific event or stimulus. Our brains function so we can spot the difference but also spot the obvious. Through the lifespans of humans, we have gone to many stages of discovering , featuring, experiencing and now identifying what is different. 3. The market Perry Marashal (2006:1) Google can bring thousands of visitors to your website twenty-four hours a day, 7 days a week, or the entire year. Whether eating breakfast, on the go, taking a phone call or daydreaming. The market is now all about creating tribes. People join different tribes for different activities; this helps them to be accepted in a particular social group. These particular groups have been created to separate personalities. A person who likes to read may always turn to amazon. A person who buys electronics may always turn to apple. To be different you have to be focused and create a vivid image aimed at your target audience. The questions a brand must ask of it are: who or what it is and why it is the way it is. So Chanel we all know is a fashion brand that is a successful brand because of the unique user experience it provides. It has become loyal to customers through time. A brand is more successful when it is able to think long term and retain its focus in the brand not the amount of profit. Listening to the brand is important not to the market. Short term profit is not what creates a brands value. The value grows when long term focus is in place. A basic brand model either is the company selling many items, or a company selling to companies to max publicity. A brand is like architecture. It requires logic and beauty to be the best of the best. Nor can a brand be valued if it does not have networks!?!!!?!?!?!?!?! (WHAT DOES THAT MEAN)(reference) Creativity is what gives a brand its power in the market (reference). Companies find it difficult to manage both the strategy and the creativity. You need a balance of both tools to build a strong brand. The reason why companies like Selfridges are valued is that they did not do what every other company does. They created a unique customer experience. Remember the customer is always right! Kotler and Keller (2006:275) say that although competitors may easily duplicate the manufacturing processes and product defines, they cannot match creativity and innovation. Innovation is key to omnipresent the point of view that is dynamic and fantastic. We need innovation in creating the identity of a brand. Without innovation we are like a car with no petrol. We do not move forward and people become bored of the repetitiveness of the usual cycle. Just like in life we need a change day to day otherwise our emotions are tied to being drain and depressed. You have to treat a brand like a human, you need to nurture it until is able to stand up on its two feet. The initial beginning of creating a brands identity is by its logo giving the brand name. The name requires being memorable, protective and likeable. Not forgetting the spelling and pronunciation to be easy. In the market industry, the phrase brand equity is to describe the value of having a well-known brand name. The idea is based on that the owner of a well-established brand name can generate more profit from products with their brand name than from products from a less well-known name. You may also call brand equity as brand value or brand recognition. (Aker: 1991). A great name deserves great graphics. A clear understanding of the key terms used in graphic design will help to articulate and formalise your ideas and ensure accuracy in the transfer of those ideas to others. (Paul Harris, Gavin Ambrose: 2006:7). Graphic design is a discipline that continues to evolve. Ambrose shows how technology has affected communications in the past and how it continues to do so. (Paul Harris, Gavin Ambrose: 2006:274) Coupled with this is the ever-changing taste and preference of society. Which in the 20th century, gives arise to how information should be presented. In many schools and universities across the board, this has become a disciplinary act. So what comes next? Behind shape and colour, the brain takes time to process language. You need a strategy to survive in the big wide world of brands. A logo is able to work across many languages and cultures. It is socially powerful enough to stand alone. We now use the gender to process the message and communicate it but then to pass it on to the gender again, before we would use the gender to pass on the message for other people to receive it We as people need to able to communicate ideas effectively and this is where many businesses fail to be valued. This tends to happen because they manipulate the public into something they are not. It is like receiving your goods and the service or product does not reach its expectations and is obvious. It isnt a sin to manipulate the public but if it isnt done using the right method it will become unsuccessful. We need to be able utilise a successful strategically method to become successful. Packaging is the last chance to build your brand. Make it fun! Why do we use packaging in so many different and odd ways? Many of the companies these days use a varied range of eco-friendly materials and methods to show that they are re-cycling back into the community. They use this as a unique selling point, which also helps the companys costs, sales and advertising. Although this method has been rinsed out we have now created the idea of customer involvement. The Niche market is now able to take the lime light from the big brands to use it as a unique selling point for maximising brand value not profit. Brands that use this strategy will benefit from sales and emotional bonds resulting in a higher value which would mean a more successful, trusted brand. According to Alina weeler (2012), we continue to invest in our core strengths. First, we dont skim on understanding the consumer. Second is innovationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ And third is brandingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Were delivering more messages to our consumers WHAT A POOR PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alina Wheeler (2012:6) 4. IntroductionConceptCHANELChanel spring/summer 2013Karl Lagerfeld V Magazine, 2002 Chanel and Primark are two strong brands on opposite sides of the economic market trade. Primark is Cheap and cheerful as one would say whereas Chanel is luxurious and expensive. The aim of this research is to understand how the graphics adds to the brands identity. This chapter studies Chanels history and current brand identity. The reason why this chapter will investigate the historical and current brands identity is to understand why Chanels possible reasons of brand value and its consumers perceptions. 4.1 Chanel Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening. (Coco Chanel: 2010). Chanel has a strong influence on its target audience. Chanel did not design well for women because she was a woman. She invented how modern women should dress because she epitomised the independent rule breaking women. Caroline Rennolds Milbank (2005:27) suggests that Coco Chanels clothing range was basic. These inspirational quotes give Chanels brand an identity and meaning. According to Ritson (2004:21), a perception is subjective, supported by the individual consumers values, needs, beliefs or experiences. Laforet S (2010:213) views the role of brands in building corporate reputation, over time through advertising and communication. Gabrielle Coco Bonheur Chanel (August 19, 1883 January 10, 1971) was a French fashion designer and founder of the Chanel brand. She was the only fashion designer to appear on Time magazines list of the 100 most influential people of the 20th century. Chanel had a desire to rise above her common origins. Her talent and dedication unveiled her to a successful business and social prominence. Her professional life gave her a platform for the social class society. (2011:45) According to Forbes, the house of Chanel is partly in ownership with Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer (grandsons of the early partner Pieerre Wertheimer (Forbes: 2011) reference) Chanel designs S.A.S designs, manufactures and retail fashion. (reference) 4.2 Target audience Chanel has always specialised in items such as simple suits, dresses, womens pants and costume jewellery too. Coco Chanels designs and creations are timeless. (Publication march 4/2011). Chanel represents women who want to be stylish, simple and elegant. Teo jia En views Chanels brand as a very strong brand (2010:7) 4.3 Micro analysis Strength Strong brand image: The story of Coco Chanel, who famously said fashion passes, style remains: Conveys a very strong message of Chanels timeless elegance. Cult Designer Karl Lagerfeld he has known to change nothing but everything for Chanel Beauty is in the detail Chanel is famous for its tweed material, detailed chain, and embroidery 4.4 Macro analysis Technology Macala Wright explains that all luxury brands have challenges with creating a connected consumer experience, especially in the automotive sector. Imhoff advises that, in addition to a companys main web presence on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, they must also participate in forums where consumers have built communities celebrating their passion for the companys products. We always participate in an authentic and transparent manner building a solid connection between our consumers and our brand shared Imhoff. (2012) Social The consumer believes the value of the one who is wearing Chanel bag has a higher value than the one who is not wearing such a brand. The consumer feels the brand equity increases their social value Political Piracy of this bag has decreased the amount of sales Chanel could potentially have. The New York times makes a point that fake bags can function as free advertising for the real thing. I believe that people who buy fake designer handbags may decide to buy the real thing when their income increases. 4.5 Market position Chanels financial expert estimates that Chanel had a third of of Frances fashion and luxury goods sector in 2008 with an estimated value of $10.3 billion. The luxury leader Karl Lagerfeld is an inspirational creative director for Chanel. He himself has created a very strong brand image for Chanel. At the 2010 International Herald Tribune Luxury conference in London (2010), Imran Amed interviews Karl Largerfield. Karl Lagerfeld says Chanels market reputation is judged by the consumers perception not by the market. To him market value does not matter. He is a true believer of consumers perceptions as top priority, you need to be connected to be informed. Kotler and Keller (2006:174) explain that successful brand identity strategies require that organisation fully connect with their consumers. In relation to that Belch and Belch (2004:113) expand on the point of how consumers use information from other sources can be just as important in creating a brand identity strategy. 4.6 Chanels competitors/analysis Louis Vuitton established sine 1854 is one of the main fashion brands of 2012, alongside Gucci who manges over 425 stores over the whole world are strong competitors for Chanel. According to Brandz valuation 2010 Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Hermes have managed to take place of the top three brands, Chanel coming in fourth. These top three brands specialise in leather, whereas Chanel does not. Chanel dropped sales by 13 percent, whilst the other top three leading enjoyed the lime light. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BRANDING?! IS IT RELEVANT? 5. Introduction This chapter looks at how Primark use graphics to enhance their brands identity and the historical origins of Primark. This will add an additional and alternative perspective to what the consumers perceive to be a brands identity. 5.1 Primark Primark is an Irish clothing retailer, operating in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Primark is part of Associated British Foods (ABF), a diversified International food WHAT IS THIS!? Primark sells clothes at the budget end of the market. The company sources cheaply, using simple designs and fabrics in the most popular sizes and buys stock in bulk. All of the companys merchandise is made specifically for the company and as such Primark has its own brand names. Within both menswear and ladies wear there is one main brand name that supplies most of the fashion labels, which are added to by other suppliers. Primark Stores Ltd, an Irish upstart and subsidiary of Associated British Foods, is second largest clothing retailer in terms of sales and revenue with its existence mainly in Ireland, UK, Spain and expanding further in the Europe. It is believable that soon it will become leading clothing retailer. As this budget, chain grows further out into other parts of the world. It is performing just as well here in Europe. The Manchester Evening News (2012) states that Primark has continued to resist Europes economic woes after an exceptional year in which it racked up  £3.5bn in sales and created 10,000 new jobs. 5.2 Strategic marketing analysis Using different analysis tools reveal that Primark is expanding globally and increasing its presence in the global market; Primark has adopted an approach of Think globally, Act locally as stated by Armstrong, (2006). Primark are expanding globally, but cater needs of the local consumers as well as the current fashion trends in their particular westernized local culture. Primark supports UKs global role by showcasing the best of British fashion to a global customers as well as it reflects how it builds social cohesion and business ethics between customers and its suppliers. Considering Primark has spent next to nothing on their advertising, this statement also maybe support Van den Heever (2000:11), He believes that a brand is not a name, logo, sign, symbol, advertisement or spokesperson. A brand is everything that an organisation wants people, obviously its target market being one of the main aspects, to understand, communicate a meaning about its product and services. 5.3 Target audience Primark have clear understanding demands of their customers. Primarks market segment is the fashion conscious people under-35s with the slogan Look good, pay less. Primark has chosen cost leadership strategy; it means that Primark has a cost privilege over competitors. 5.4 Micro Analysis Cheap price clothing, Primark is known for its cheap prices, The independent News( 2012), states that Primarks retail gross margins rose by 300 basis points. Total retail sales rose by 46 per cent to  £146.5m. Nick Robertson (2012), chief executive, said: It is challenged in the UK. But fortunately we sell to 20-somethings all over the world. Primark can choose competitive prices and produce quality clothing. So right price for the right product will increase the customers satisfaction Primark is on a larger scale than a lot of retailers, and employ over 20,000 employees they have become a part of a lot of peoples lives, they create a connection with their consumers by mass employment 5.6 Macro Analysis Political factors Primarks business polices are subject to government in order to sustain the smooth running of its business Economical, the company has established itself by providing its target consumers with affordable products. The pestle anaylsis (2012) says that Primark have analysed the price of the products of its competitors and then have taken advantage of their price during recession. Their exporting, importing and manufacturing prices are so low, they are able to make profit regardless of the economical downfall Social analysis Social analysis is focused on the demographic changes that might influence the product in the new buying perceptions of the market. The taste and buying target consumer population is the business priority. When other brands launches a new marketed product, Primark surely finds a cheaper alternative for their consumers Technology An article on Marketing Plan, refers the idea of how technology does effect a business how a social or economic factor would. With innovation, technology is able to create a smoother process of maybe a product transaction or improve the quality of the products. Primark could improve the transaction process, as their ques are miles long. If this is improved with the help of technology, the economical profits will be maximised, and social value will increase, as it will be seen worn on more people It can also lessen the unethical working behaviour such as shoplifting which is very commonly occurred in Primark stores. 5.6 Market position Primark offers innovative, fashionable clothes at value-for-money prices. Like many retail fashion businesses, Primark does not manufacture goods itself: it works with its suppliers to produce goods to Primarks specification. Primark relies on low costs, economies of scale and efficient distribution to maintain its competitive market position. 5.7 Primarks Competitors/analysis Like any other business, Primark is also facing tough competition from George at ASDA, Tesco, Marks Spencer, TK Max, Costco, Next, Zara, New Look, Peacock and Matalan. Analysis for each major competitor determines that Primark has better business strength and high market share. It has good financial strengths and high profitability but relatively poor quality of management and low standards of technology position. Primark is paying least attention to its marketing strategies. Marketing represents boundary between marketplace and company, and knowledge of current and emerging happenings in marketplace is extremely important in strategic planning exercise. WHY HAVE YOU ANALYSED IT LIKE A BUSINESS? WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS? WHY IS THIS RELEVANT? 6. Advertising According to Jon Steel (1988:5), the most effective advertising involves consumers in two different but critical ways. Number one, it needs to involve them in the process of developing the communication, their feelings, habits, motivations, and desires all have to be explored and understood both how the product fits into their lives and how they might respond to different advertising messages. Jon (1988:8) follows on explaining the
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl and The Signalman by Charles Dickens :: Comparing
In my essay I will be comparing the two short stories Lamb to the Slaughter by Roald Dahl and The Signalman by Charles Dickens. Comparing Short Stories In my essay I will be comparing the two short stories 'Lamb to the Slaughter' by Roald Dahl and 'The Signalman' by Charles Dickens. They both contain a twist in the tale and use the Macabre Tale Genre. The scenes are very different from on another and show different uses of language as Lamb to the slaughter uses 1900 text and The Signalman uses 20th Century text. The opening of Lamb to the slaughter gives the reader no reason to believe anything bad is going to happen. It starts off normal and uses words such as warm, clean and tranquil to paint the picture of the house being calm and a nice place. Though at the beginning of The Signalman it gives words such as gloomy and angry sunset to portray it is quite a scary maybe a dark and cold place. The Signalman is set in a 'Signal-box by a gloomy railway cutting with its dark tunnel' Lamb to the slaughter, being set in a house is completely different and delivers more of a calm and peaceful atmosphere. They don't seem to have many similarities. The theme to The Signalman is that of a man describing his experience of meeting a Signalman being haunted by a ghost. This ghost seemed to be warning him of hid death. It involves the two main characters, the narrator and the signalman. The Signalman described by the narrator, 'His attitude was one of such expectation and watchfulness' The narrator is not described throughout the story. The theme to Lamb to the slaughter is that of a husband and his wife. It is set in their house and their wife murders her husband with a leg of lamb. It is a story that tells us of how she tries to cover up the murder and tries to get the blame away from her and destroys all the evidence. The wife is described as, 'Her skin had acquired a wonderful translucent quality, the mouth was soft, and the eyes with their new placid look, seemed larger, darker than before.' The husband is described as having 'A warm male glow that came out of him' And the 'Far look in his eyes when they rested on her, the funny slope of the mouth.' These are things that the writer has written that the wife thinks about Patrick, her husband. I like the character of the wife because I like the way she covers up her murdering her husband.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Carnival Event Essay
To conclude this magical event full of happiness, dances, music, costumes and charisma produce in every single person each year a colorful spirit of carnival. To conclude this magical event full of happiness, dances, music, costumes and charisma produce in every single person each year a colorful spirit of carnival. The lovely kids that every body was waiting for arrived to the carnival event. Preschool beautiful princesses were already dancing through all the marathon gym so every single person could see the great dancers they were. We could say that this show was a triumph just because of the presentation of preschool with all the little kids that had happy faces during all the presentation so they keep us motivated and gave us energy to bravely keep shouting and applauding to them. After this amazing carnival event of the British international college finally finished, some interviews to certain teachers were made. Mrs. Sarah, primary teacher and queen of the event, told us â€Å"even though I’ve never been in a carnival event before I can say that this â€Å"lectura del bando†was totally Very exiting for me. Very serious Mr. Nelson, high school teacher, told us â€Å"well I could honestly admit that this year dew to the fact that there were no high school queen it was a very organized and colorful event and Finally with a big smile in his face , Mr. Guy , headmaster of the school told us â€Å"that he was very proud of all the work done in this fantastic event were teachers and student gave all their effort . The lovely kids that every body was waiting for arrived to the carnival event. Preschool beautiful princesses were already dancing through all the marathon gym so every single person could see the great dancers they were. We could say that this show was a triumph just because of the presentation of preschool with all the little kids that had happy faces during all the presentation so they keep us motivated and gave us energy to bravely keep shouting and applauding to them. After this amazing carnival event of the British international college finally finished, some interviews to certain teachers were made. Mrs. Sarah, primary teacher and queen of the event, told us â€Å"even though I’ve never been in a carnival event before I can say that this â€Å"lectura del bando†was totally Very exiting for me. Very serious Mr. Nelson, high school teacher, told us â€Å"well I could honestly admit that this year dew to the fact that there were no high school queen it was a very organized and colorful event and Finally with a big smile in his face , Mr. Guy , headmaster of the school told us â€Å"that he was very proud of all the work done in this fantastic event were teachers and student gave all their effort .  This surprising and colorful event started at 7:00 a.m. and took place in the marathon gym. Everyone was very exited, there were beautiful dresses every were, blue, yellow, red, black, all colors you can imagine. People were amazed o f such gracefully dances with the folkloric music. The main event of this fascinated carnival opening started with the entrance of the princesses and â€Å"rey momos†of primary. they all had spectacular carnivals costumes which in a way they â€Å"illuminated†the marathon gym with they dances and the charisma they had. This surprising and colorful event started at 7:00 a.m. and took place in the marathon gym. Everyone was very exited, there were beautiful dresses every were, blue, yellow, red, black, all colors you can imagine. People were amazed of such gracefully dances with the folkloric music. The main event of this fascinated carnival opening started with the entrance of the princesses and â€Å"rey momos†of primary. they all had spectacular carnivals costumes which in a way they â€Å"illuminated†the marathon gym with they dances and the charisma they had. Yesterday morning in the British international school we had one of the most expected event of the year â€Å"lectura del bando†one of the happiest celebration of the carnivals. Yesterday morning in the British international school we had one of the most expected event of the year â€Å"lectura del bando†one of the happiest celebration of the carnivals.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Poverty and progess of Mexico essays
Poverty and progess of Mexico essays What would it be like to live in a time of desperation? What would it be like to look up to foreign values instead of culturally your own? I would like to dive into this subject with this paper, to analyze cultural aspects during the latter part of the nineteenth century that show how Latin Americans (focusing more on Mexico) praised progress. Of course we must establish two factors: comparing the urban society to the country society. I would like to first establish the view of positivism, and how it had an impact on nineteenth century Mexico. Philosophically, positivism stresses on more reality and science aspects over those with metaphysical aspects. Some people that considered themselves positivists acknowledge that questions about metaphysics could be asked, but came to the conclusion there are no answers for such questions. Others who were positivists consider these questions to be pointless. This point of view impacted Mexico in the 1890s during the presidency of Porfirio Diaz (1876-1911). Diaz had gathered many intellectuals which would forma group called cientificos. Their main purpose was to create policies that all Mexicans were to follow. The policies that had the approval of Diaz emphasized the importance of rationalism and the use of scientific method to solve problems in Mexico. Main causes of problems came from financial and education difficulties. This alignment of the group may seem like a good idea, however this positivist movement as well as the Profirio regime was very praetorian. If the people refused to agree and follow these policies they faced penalties from harassment to death. However some policies of the Diaz regime were successful but few benefited from them which were the elites, or upper class society of Mexico. Some may ask why not establish their individuality? This can be seen by the search for progress in society. Many felt that in order to progres...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Edaphosaurus Facts and Figures
Edaphosaurus Facts and Figures At first glance, Edaphosaurus looks a lot like a scaled-down version of its close relative, Dimetrodon: both of these ancient pelycosaurs (a family of reptiles that preceded the dinosaurs) had large sails running down their backs, which helped to maintain their body temperatures (by radiating away excess heat during the night and absorbing sunlight during the day) and were probably also used to signal the opposite sex for mating purposes. Oddly enough, though, the evidence points to the late Carboniferous Edaphosaurus having been a herbivore and Dimetrodon a carnivorewhich has led some experts (and TV producers) to speculate that Dimetrodon regularly had big, heaping portions of Edaphosaurus for lunch! Except for its sporty sail (which was much smaller than the comparable structure on Dimetrodon), Edaphosaurus had a distinctly ungainly appearance, with an unusually small head compared to its long, thick, bloated torso. Like its fellow plant-eating pelycosaurs of the late Carboniferous and early Permian periods, Edaphosaurus had a very primitive dental apparatus, meaning that it needed a whole lot of intestines to process and digest the tough vegetation it ate. (For an example of what this whole lot of guts body plan can result in, without the distraction of a sail, check out the awkward build of the contemporaneous pelycosaur Casea.) Given its similarity to Dimetrodon, its not surprising that Edaphosaurus has generated a fair amount of confusion. This pelycosaur was first described in 1882 by the famous American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope, after its discovery in Texas; then, a few years later, he erected the closely related genus Naosaurus, based on additional remains excavated elsewhere in the country. Over the next few decades, however, subsequent experts synonymized Naosaurus with Edaphosaurus by naming additional Edaphosaurus species, and even one putative species of Dimetrodon was later moved under the Edaphosaurus umbrella. Edaphosaurus Essentials Edaphosaurus (Greek for ground lizard); pronounced eh-DAFF-oh-SORE-us Habitat:Â Swamps of North America and Western Europe Historical Period:Â Late Carboniferous-Early Permian (310-280 million years ago) Size and Weight:Â Up to 12 feet long and 600 pounds Diet:Â Plants Distinguishing Characteristics:Â Long, narrow body; large sail on back; small head with bloated torso
Monday, November 4, 2019
My Favorite Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
My Favorite Place - Essay Example This essay uses imagery, personification, alliteration, and simile to describe my favourite place. One of the most exciting parts about visiting McDonald's is visual. As a child, my parents would not tell me that we were going out to eat and then suddenly I would see the car turn the corner and the golden arches would appear. Like a hungry child, they appeared to me like they would a lake or water source to a water-starved person in the desert. [SIMILE] As an adult, while I don’t have this some fanatical appreciation for the site, there is an understanding that it only takes driving for a few moments before I can find these arches and buy a familiar meal. Finally, upon entering the restaurant there is an expansive visual display of colors and delicious food that heightens my appreciation. Another major part of my appreciation for the restaurant is tactile. As a child perhaps I felt this most prominently when I would visit the playground. After eating, my brother and I would run out to the playground and begin throwing the balls around like they were water balloons. [IMAGERY] The playground was almost like a living component of the restaurant, without its many twists and turns. [PERSONIFICATION] We would then have the toys from the happy meal to play with. We would play with these by moving them around or changing the various components, for many hours. Indeed, they became a major part of my long-term enjoyment of McDonald's. The final part of my enjoyment of McDonald's is tasting the food. Undoubtedly, tasting the food is the central part of my appreciation of McDonald's. The French fries taste simply sensational; the burgers are just as good. [ALLITERATION] While as an adult I recognize that the food is unhealthy, it is oftentimes impossible to resist. I vividly can recall the taste of the McChicken, the Big Mac, or the many desserts.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
GMO foods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
GMO foods - Essay Example For instance, GMO foods are harmful to human beings to some extent. Some of the opposing views of GMOs are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. First, GMOs are unhealthy since numerous studies have found that they can leave materials inside the human body hence causing long-term problems (IRT 2). Because of this, doctors advise their patients to take or consume non-GMO diets because they have no effects. For instance, there are pieces of evidence that genes inserted into GM soy can transfer into the DNA of a bacteria living in a human being (IRT 2). Moreover, GMO food increases food allergies among individuals making it unsafe for consumption. Secondly, GMO foods are sourced from herbicides seeds, which are very harmful (IRT 4). GM crops are engineered to be herbicide tolerant hence not prone to weed attack and can survive. Because of this, they contain high chemical concentration, which causes harm to the environment. Moreover, GM food has higher residues of toxic herbicides, which is linked to several defects in the body. For instance, high concentration of herbicides and other chemicals increases one’s chances of getting sterility, hormone disruption, cancer, as well as birth defects when continuously used (IRT 4). Thirdly, GMO involves mixing of genes from different unrelated species making it unleash unpredictable side effects not intended (IRT 6). Many researchers do not know some of the genes inserted or mixed with others to produce the quality that is needed. Therefore, the process of creating or developing a GM plant can result in a collateral damage by producing new toxins, as well as nutritional deficiencies. The natural plants that produce food are naturally modified and have a balanced makeup to provide all the desired nutrients (IRT 6). However, GM foods does not contain balanced nutrient since the composition of the species may differ to interfere with the desired
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