Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Binge Drinking vs the Drinking Age Essays - 829 Words

English 101 March 13, 2013 Binge Drinking VS the Drinking Age Presidents of college campuses around the nation face issues of underage drinking and binge drinking on a regular basis and realizes that it is a danger and a problem. â€Å"Alcohol consumption is the third leading cause of death in the U.S., a major contributing factor to unintentional injuries, the leading cause of death for youths and young adults, and accounts for an estimated 75,000 or more deaths in the United States annually† (Wechsler 2010). Binge drinking can be loosely defined as consuming five or more drinks at one sitting for men and four drinks for women. Binge drinking amongst college students is a social activity that allows students to let loose and â€Å"fit in†.†¦show more content†¦In this article/study one of the variables studied was demographics, including age. The article states that age only plays a modest role in predicting binge drinking. They studied college students under age 21 and over age 21 and the odds ratios were so close that they determined that the minimum age drinking laws virtually have no effect on binge drinking. Based on this study lowering the drinking age will not decrease the amount of binge drinking occurring on college campuses across the nation. Some may argue that lowering the drinking age could possibly decrease binge drinking among college students and the Amethyst Initiative in 2008 offers some good ideas as to why. The Amethyst Initiative is made up of a group of college/university presidents (past and present) that believe the drinking age has contributed to an epidemic of binge drinking across college campuses. These group members basically believe that making alcohol easily accessible makes it not â€Å"forbidden† or a bad thing, so college students will not be prone to binge drink. They even go so far as to use Prohibition as an example of why this logic should be considered in lowering the minimum drinking age. Another argument for wanting to lower the drinking age is that underage drinkers are more inclined to not seek medical attention when necessary after alcohol consumption. An underage student that may potentially have alcohol poisoningShow MoreRelatedWhy Lower the Legal Drinking Age?801 Words   |  3 Pageslower the drinking age below 21 lose 10% of their annual federal highway appropriations (Haevens). This is the main reason the legal drinking age has not been lower below 21 years of age.a large number of the general population desires a lower drinking age. In the 25 years since the legal drinking age was set at 21, seven states have tried to lower it. 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